Formal letter and informal letter: elements and characteristics

We explain what formal and informal letters are, the differences between them, their characteristics and elements of each.

The informal letter is one in which both parties have an emotional relationship.

What is a formal letter and an informal letter?

A letter is a traditional way of communication between peoplein which a sender writes a text and sends it to a receiver. Letters can be formal or informal according to their function and the relationship that exists between the sender and the receiver.

In a formal letter, the relationship between the two people is distant. because it usually occurs between people who do not know each other personally. Formal language is used and these letters usually have a predetermined structure. They can be for work, commercial, and other purposes.

On the other hand, The informal letter is one in which both parties of the communication have an emotional or close relationship.. In this case, the sender is allowed to choose the structure and elements of the letter and informal language is usually used. They are written for various purposes such as: invitations, greetings, thanks, among others.

Letters are one of the oldest means of communication and are now falling into disuse due to new technologies such as email and chat.

They are writings that are sent in an envelope that includes the name and address of the recipient on the front and on the back the name and address of the sender. They are usually sent by mail or can be delivered by hand by a messenger or by the sender himself.

See also: Newspaper

Characteristics of a formal letter

Formal letters can be for business or work purposes.

Some of the main characteristics of formal letters are:

  • The sender and the receiver do not have a friendship relationship or familiarity but rather have a work or commercial relationship, among others.
  • They use formal and structured languagealways abiding by the correct use of punctuation and spelling rules.
  • They are written with the intention to place an order, give specific information, make an appointment, ask for references, among others.
  • They are usually used to transmit information without the presence of thoughts, conclusions or feelings of the sender.
  • They are made up of certain elements which cannot be dispensed with.
  • They are sent inside an envelope through the mail or can be delivered by hand.
  • They usually have a short extension.

Characteristics of an informal letter

Letters are one of the oldest means of communication.

Some of the main characteristics of informal letters are:

  • The sender and receiver of the letter have a close relationshipthey can be family or friends.
  • They use informal languagesimple and colloquial, which may include abbreviations, inadvertent errors and exclamation marks.
  • They are written with the intention to greet someone for a birthday or some important event, to communicate news, make an invitation, send greetings, among many others.
  • They usually express emotionsthoughts, reflections and feelings of the one who writes.
  • They are made up of elements that may or may not be includedaccording to the sender’s preferences and needs.
  • They may include graphic resources such as drawings, diagrams or anything that the sender wants to transmit.
  • They are sent inside an envelope through the mail or can be delivered by hand.
  • Include resources such as asteriskspostscripts and clarifications.
  • They have an indefinite extension.

Differences between a formal letter and an informal letter

Informal letters can be as long as the sender wishes.

Some of the main differences between a formal letter and an informal letter are:

  • Transmitter and receiverIn formal letters, the relationship between the sender and the recipient is mediated by a professional, work-related or intellectual activity. In informal letters, the relationship between the sender and the recipient is one of closeness or affection (they are usually family members or friends).
  • LanguageThe type of language used in a formal letter is formal and distant and cannot have spelling and grammar errors. An informal letter allows for colloquial language because there is a close relationship between the sender and the receiver.
  • AimFormal letters are usually written for a specific purpose, for example, to express interest in a job, to arrange a meeting, or to make a complaint or request. Informal letters, on the other hand, are usually written to establish contact with another person and do not necessarily have to include a request or specific information.
  • Structure. A formal letter maintains an internal structure that does not allow any section to be omitted or moved; the elements that make up this type of letter are structured in advance. In informal letters, the structure is freer and all the elements that the writer considers necessary can be included.
  • ExtensionFormal letters are usually short in length, as the body only details the objective. Informal letters can be as long as the sender wishes.
  • Items. Formal letters differ from informal letters by the elements that constitute them. They should include, among other things, a heading, a formal greeting, an introduction, a body of the letter and a final greeting with signature and clarification. For its part, the informal letter usually includes greeting, body and final greeting. Some may include postscripts and clarifications.

Elements of a formal letter

The main elements of a formal letter are:

  • Date and place. The date and place where the letter is written are included. For example: Guadalajara, November 3, 2020.
  • Header. The name of the person to whom the letter is addressed is included, followed by their position or function within the institution (if applicable). For example: Luciano García. Head of the Department of Housing and Social Health of Guadalajara.
  • Greeting. The initial greeting from the sender to the recipient is included. For example: Dear Mr. García.
  • Introduction. The reason why the sender is sending the letter is specified. For example: I request that you kindly contact me, since I need to coordinate with you the meeting on Saturday, May 23…
  • Body. All pertinent information is detailed and is a part of the formal letter that is usually not very extensive. For example: I remind you that in order to coordinate your arrival at our offices I will need you to send me your personal information with…
  • Farewell. The sender says goodbye to the receiver. For example: Without further ado, he greets you affectionately.
  • Signature. A personal signature, a clarification of the name and surname and a seal are made, so that the recipient has all the information about the sender. For example: Víctor Grassi, Director of the Center for Latin American Studies.

Elements of an informal letter

Letters are usually sent in envelopes.

The main elements that make up the structure of an informal letter are:

  • Greeting. The greeting from the sender to the recipient is included. In some cases, informal letters include a date and place. For example: Hello John.
  • IntroductionThe reason for the letter is included, although sometimes this element can be omitted and considered part of the body of the letter. For example: I am writing these lines to wish you a very happy birthday..
  • Body. All the information that the sender wants to transmit to the recipient is detailed. For example: I take this opportunity to tell you that yesterday I was with your cousin Cecilia. How kind she is! She told me about your new project…
  • Final greeting and signature. A greeting and the sender’s name are included. For example: I send you a big hug. Jacinto.
  • PostscriptClarifications are used when, after the letter is finished, the sender has forgotten some important point that he wants to mention to the recipient. Informal letters allow more than one postscript. For example: PS: Don’t forget to send my love to your brothers and your father.

It may be useful for you: Written communication


  • “Letter” in Rae.
  • “What should be included in a letter of interest or application?” on Candid Learning.
  • “How to write a formal letter” on BBC.
  • “How to write a formal letter” in Cambridge.