We explain what expository texts are and what their general characteristics are. Also, what is its structure and classification.
What are expository texts?
Expository texts are those that express concepts or facts in an objective mannerwithout reflecting the opinions or feelings of the author. They are mainly used in academic and scientific fields.
The expository texts do not reflect the opinion of the author because they only present a topic based on supporting sources and evidence. They are intended to present and inform.
See also: Informative and opinion genres
Characteristics of expository texts
The expository texts They are characterized by presenting a theory, a hypothesis or a topic of interestso that the reader understands them objectively, without persuading or appealing to their emotions. The author’s opinion is not relevant.
They differ from argumentative texts, which are texts that aim to convince the reader of the author’s point of view, using both emotional and rational arguments.
Expository texts They provide information on a topic and use various linguistic resourcessuch as definitions, examples, reformulation of theories (explaining them in other words or in a simpler way) or citations of information sources that have some recognition.
They are considered formal textsso they do not use colloquial language, but instead use denotative language (that which says things as they are, without double meaning) in order to avoid doubts or misinterpretations on the part of the reader.
Structure of expository texts
The expository texts are divided into three parts:
- The introduction. It is a brief explanation of the topic to be presented, in order to contextualize the reader.
- The development. It is the exposition of the topic that can be organized into chapters or subtopics according to the complexity and variety of the content.
- The conclusion. It is a synthesis of everything developed that allows us to summarize the ideas and understand the topic addressed.
Types of expository texts
There are two types of expository texts:
- The informative ones. These are texts aimed at a wider audience and do not require the reader to have prior knowledge of the subject. For example, school texts, explanatory brochures or encyclopedias.
- The specialized ones. These are explanatory texts that require prior knowledge on the part of the reader due to the complexity of the subject. For example, monographs, legislative texts or doctoral theses.
Explanatory resources
Expository texts use various resources, such as:
- The definitions. They are statements that represent or explain a concept or expression objectively.
- The comparisons. They are relationships of similarity between two examples or theories in order to affirm or clarify the topic presented.
- The examples. These are phrases or models that make it easier to understand the text, especially when it is complex or technical content.
- Graphics and images. They are visual reinforcements that complement the topic presented for better understanding.