Your Best Photographs Will Be Taken With One Of These Lenses [Actualizado]

On many occasions the debate has arisen about whether it is the photographer or the camera that takes the picture. Often in articles we talk about the best cameras or the best lenses, but that does not mean that the photographer does not have any responsibility for the image he captures. I liken this to money and happiness, money does not bring happiness, right? But help! We’re not going to deny that… πŸ˜‰ Well, the same thing happens with photography, the team doesn’t make a photo great, but it helps!! And there are different types of objectives and each one is designed for a type of photo.

That is why today I bring you an article showing you the different types of lenses that will make a difference in your photographs. With a normal equipment you can capture a very beautiful image, that transmits emotions or moves, however, there are lenses that provide added value. They are a tool that you can use to expand your creativity or even give your images a more professional touch. And if you have that tool… why not learn about its advantages and take advantage of them? Keep reading and you will discover everything that the different types of lenses can offer you!

Mario’s note: Canon and Nikon are not the best cameras, far from it. There are good cameras from these two brands as there are from Pentax, Sony, Olympus, or any other brand. In this article we reference some lenses, including a link to mostly Nikon and Canon lenses. The only reason is because they are the most popular brands and the ones most readers ask about. Linking this entire list of objectives for all brands would be crazy. If yours is neither Canon nor Nikon, please go to Amazon and search for a similar lens. There has to be. Thanks.

5 Types of lenses to achieve impressive photos

We present you 5 types of lenses that will make a big difference between the photos you get now with the kit lens and your next photos that will surprise even you.

Telephoto, the spy

It’s a “spy” because where the 18-55mm falls short, the 55-200mm easily reaches quite far away subjects without having to get close to them. It is the ideal lens to take casual photos of people spontaneously on the street (they are called robbers), if you have a paparazzi soul, this is your lens. Or if shyness prevents you from approaching. It is also very useful if you like to photograph wild animals, birds, birds, etc.

Photograph taken with a telephoto lens (200mm)

Here the important thing is to get one that has a good maximum aperture, although with an f/4 it would begin to be enough. The larger the aperture, the more light enters, the faster the shot can be and the sharper the image is πŸ˜‰ If you are going to invest in a telephoto lens, do not waste your money on one whose aperture is greater than f / 5 because most of the photos will come out blurred. Remember, an f/4 at least, and if it can be less, the better. Also remember that, in the case of telephoto lenses, it is very expensive to find lenses that have very large apertures. In fact I don’t know if there is any telephoto lens whose aperture is f/1.4 for example. If there were, it would have to cost an arm and a leg. So if it’s at f/4 I think it would be great.

Other advantages offered by this type of lens is that they allow a selective focus, that is, highlight the subject against the background and eliminate the sense of perspective, that is, they compact the different planes (the latter can be a disadvantage if you are looking for the opposite , be careful! πŸ˜‰ ).

Here are some similar telephoto lenses and their approximate price:

More recommended telephoto lenses in this article.

Wide Angle Lenses

What would photography be without landscapes, right? Many of us have fallen in love with photography because of (or thanks to) landscapes that we had always wanted to portray.

Landscape with wide angle (15mm)

Wide-angle lenses are the perfect tool for this type of photography, as they have the advantage of covering an angle greater than that of human vision. They are ideal for capturing panoramic images or large objects or places from short distances.

Wide angle lenses usually have between 12 and 20mm focal length. This is subjective, surely some will tell me that I am leaving out the 10mm ones for example, and it may be true, but it is true that if we go down to lower focal lengths we already enter a type of lens where the image is too distorted , and they would be practically “fisheye” objectives, which in this case do not come. And it is that with these objectives you can exaggerate the perspectives and distort the lines.

They are also widely used indoors, for example for celebrations in a church or to highlight the architectural features of a building and, as we have already said, they are ideal for landscape photography, as their depth of field is much greater and they can capture details at a considerable distance. If you are passionate about landscape photography, this is your goal!

So that you can get an idea of ​​prices, here are some angles of different brands:

Fish eye

Of all the lens types, this is probably the least versatile. This circular lens with an extremely wide angle serves to let your imagination run wild. It creates an effect similar to a mirror image in a sphere and allows you to capture everything you need even if your eyes cannot perceive it. It is also used inside churches to include the entire scene: protagonists, guests, ceiling, floor… everything! It’s like wide angle, but more exaggerated and distorted.

Fisheye photography example

The drawback is that it is a bit expensive and its effect is so specific that it is not recommended as a first option when it comes to getting an extra first objective. To give you an idea, these are some approximate prices:

These lenses are usually not very cheap, luckily there are alternative brands that are manufactured for Nikon, Canon, Sony, etc. cameras. Examples: Walimex Pro 8mm f/3.5 for Canonor the Walimex Pro 8mm f/3.5 for Nikon.

macro lenses

If you have ever tried to focus at very short distances with a normal 18-55mm lens, you will have realized the enormous limitation that these standard lenses have. Normally below 50cm you can’t focus.

Example of results from a Macro lens

For this, the different types of lenses have been invented, for this particular case, the macro lenses. They are mainly characterized by the ability to focus at very short distances. Its focal length is normally between 50 and 200mm. It is the ideal lens to photograph flowers, insects, or minute details of any object. If you like the Macro world, read this.

As I was saying, these lenses are used above all in the capture of flowers and insects due to their ability to photograph at very short distances and considerably increase the size of the object of our interest. Essential in scientific photography, thanks to these lenses you have been able to see insects at a size that probably scared you, or not, but surely they have not left you indifferent, right? You will even have been able to see details that are hardly visible to the human eye in nature.

Due to their maximum apertures and image quality, they are also a good option for portraits. But the thing does not stop there, macro lenses can be used for product photography, gastronomy, abstract photography, etc.

Do you want to know its approximate price? There are a wide variety of types and prices, here are some examples:

50mm f/1.4

We have already talked on more than one occasion about this versatile lens that Mario cannot live without and which he calls The King of Lenses. In fact, this is what he says about this goal:

β€œIf I had to spend the rest of my life with only one goal, this would be it. Its 50mm focal length is simply perfect. It forms the perfect point between a wide angle of view and a telephoto lens. On the other hand, the terrifyingly generous aperture of this lens makes it extremely bright. It makes taking pictures in low light a lot easier, not to mention the depth-of-field play it allows.”

And it is that among its advantages we find that being a fixed focal length, it performs much better, but what makes this lens tremendously useful is its large diaphragm opening, which, as he rightly says, allows you to capture light in an extraordinary way and In addition, play with the depth of field to highlight the object of interest or just a part of it, focusing it in extreme while blurring the rest.

In this portrait above we can see how the background is blurred and the beautiful bokeh achieved. For portraits it is excellent, and for baby photography it is almost essential, but it will not only serve you in these cases, as I have already said, it is so versatile that it will serve on many occasions and types of photographs.

Have you gotten the bug and want to know the approximate price? Do not worry, in this case it was not going to be less, here it is:

Advice: If you are just starting out and your budget is also very tight, try the 50mm f/1.8 that you can find for a much more affordable price and that offers excellent results (for Nikon you have it for €255.00 euros and for Canon for €125.00 euros.

You may have gotten a little dizzy with the letters and numbers that appear in each lens name, if so, be sure to read this article in which we tell you everything you need to know before buying a lens. Their names will no longer be hieroglyphs for you.

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