The ying and the yang are forces as opposed as they are complementary that exist throughout the Universe: day and night, cold and heat, man and woman, sun and moon. It is not that one of the two is better or worse than the other, but both express that in truth nothing exists in a pure state or in absolute stillness. Everything is a continuous transformation, a constant movement.
Although all people have both energies, the most common is that they are not balanced and one rules over the other.
Yin energy is characterized by being expansive and is related to the earth, the cold, the night and the feminine. When it is the one that prevails in a person, it can generate lack of concentration, indecision or decay. They are more introspective and analytical people.
Yang energy is concentrated, intense and heated. It is related to the sky, the masculine, with light and activity. When you are the one who rules a person, he or she may feel less flexible, irritated, or in a constant defensive attitude. They are usually expressive and stand out.
If you want to know what type of energy predominates in you, answer these questions with yes or no and then look at the answers below:
1) Do you enjoy spending time alone?
2) Are you one of those people who, when they meet others in a meeting, introduce themselves before anything else?
3) Is your ideal vacation to go to a lonely beach?
4) Do you you stress in very noisy places?
5) Do you prefer a deep conversation to a noisy party?
6) Do you find it distracting and/or fun to play crossword-type games?
7) Are you active most of the day?
8) Would you say that there is nothing better to relax than a good bath?
9) Do you tidy up your house before going to sleep?
10) Do you respect what you plan when you go on a trip?
11) Do you enjoy staying home alone listening to music?
12) Do you consider yourself someone sensitive?
The answers “YES” to questions n°1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 11 and 12, are worth 1 point.
The answers “NO” to questions n° 2, 6, 7, 9 and 10, are worth 1 point.
Once you have made the count, observe the following scale:
YANG 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 YIN
Is your score closer to the yang side or the yin side? The answer will tell you what is the energy that prevails in you today.
If your results are in the middle, you are going through a moment of balance in both energies. Enjoy it!
Good vibes
Maria ten energy nutrition
Psychology Malena Lede