Written Communication: what it is, characteristics, elements, styles

We explain what written communication is, its characteristics and elements. Also, their styles, their advantages, disadvantages and more.

What is written communication?

written communication It is any type of interaction that makes use of the written or textual word, and that allows a message to be transmitted. without the need for the sender and the receiver to coincide in the same time and place. It consists of the writing of signs that are part of a determined linguistic code, with its own spelling and grammatical rules.

Written communication is a human ability that differentiates it from other animals because involves the use of reason and intellectto think and prepare a text, and motor skills to execute the writing.

See also: Good communication

Characteristics of written communication

Written communication is characterized by:

  • Being a human capacitywhich is capable of carrying it out through intellectual and motor work.
  • Use a code system with its own spelling and grammar rules.
  • Require physical media to capture and spread the message, like a pen and paper or a computer.
  • Require a sender and a receiver of the message that may not be present at the same time and place.
  • Provide a mostly deferred response or late.
  • Be precise because the content can be reviewed before disseminating it.
  • Be formal and permanent because it can be captured on a physical medium that allows it to be reread as many times as necessary.

Styles of written communication

Written communication can be carried out based on various styles or modes:

  • Descriptive. It consists of the representation of ideas or objects in a detailed manner, with the aim that the recipient of the message can reproduce that concept in their mind. For example: written words that describe a person, a place or an action and that form a mental image in the recipient.
  • Narrative. It consists of the narration of a story that contains various actions that are connected to each other and that may or may not be in chronological order. For example: a story in which the narrator introduces the characters and details a specific context and place.
  • Argumentative. It consists of speech that aims to establish value judgments regarding a topic, with the aim of persuading the recipient. For example: the presentation of a project to combat the climate crisis.
  • Expository. It consists of the dissemination of information in a simple and clear manner, without making value judgments on the part of the issuer, based on specific data or a neutral point of view.

Elements of written communication

Written communication requires the following elements:

  • Transmitter. He is the one who elaborates the message from his intellect.
  • Receiver. It is the one who interprets and emits a reaction to the written message.
  • Message. It is the redacted information.
  • Channel. It is the medium on which the writing is captured, such as paper or an electronic device.
  • Code. It is the linguistic system used to elaborate the message.
  • Situation. It is the context in which communication takes place, both the situation of the sender and that of the receiver, which are usually different.

In addition to the elements of written communication, there are strategies that influence the way in which the receiver decodes the message, such as:

  • The correct use of spelling rules.
  • The use of appropriate vocabulary according to the type of recipient. For example: if it is a child, it should not contain technical words.
  • The order of the information, so that it maintains coherence and can be understood by the receiver.

Advantages and disadvantages of written communication

Written communication is appropriate depending on the sender’s intention and the purpose of the message, but may not be as useful in certain contexts.

Between the advantages written communication highlights:

  • It has permanencebecause the information can be reread, kept recorded over time and be a source of reference.
  • Provides accurate information because it allows you to think, reflect, define and rewrite what you want to say.
  • Allows you to record legal documents.

Between the Disadvantages written communication highlights:

  • Lack of immediate responseexcept through some immediate messaging channels.
  • The high costs for its executionin most cases, because it requires physical media, from paper to electronic devices.
  • It takes time to readdecode and respond to the message.
  • Requires skills and competencies in the use of language and vocabulary. Otherwise, it can generate a negative impact on the receiver.

Spelling and grammar

In written communication, the correct use of spelling rules is very important. Its incorrect application can change the meaning of the message. For example: the accent in a word, the comma between sentences or punctuation marks.

Furthermore, it is important respect grammatical rules to develop effective written communicationFor example: form sentences in an orderly manner and correctly apply the verb tenses according to the subject to which they refer.

Continue with: Oral communication
