Working in Australia: What a foreign professional should know

Are you looking for the ideal country to practice as a professional? One of the most attractive job markets currently for foreigners is Australia. Working in Australia allows you to develop and grow professionally with a better quality of life.

If you want to transform your life, have an outstanding career and improve your financial benefits, Australia is for you.

This country offers you high-quality academic opportunities, with the possibility of working while you study. Which will help you make your way to jobs for qualified professionals with excellent remunerations.

Before embarking on your new life in this country, it is important that you know some aspects of the Australian labor market. Here we will help you have a clearer and more objective vision of what you need to know if you want to work in Australia.

Requirements to work in Australia

To access a job in Australia you must know the basic requirements that will be requested of you during your job search. Here we will show you the 5 most important requirements:

1. Be of legal age

It is essential to be over 18 years of age to be able to work in Australia as a foreigner.

2. English level

Working in Australia in a qualified job requires an advanced level of English. If you opt for unskilled jobs, you must have at least a basic level of English that allows you to communicate.

3. Work visa for Australia

To work in Australia you need a visa, however, there is no single visa. Depending on your objective you have to request the one that best suits your purposes. Always take into consideration the time you plan to stay in the country to be able to carry out the appropriate procedure.

If you want to enter the country through studies, you will need a student visa, with it you will be able to work 20 hours a week while you study and 40 hours on vacation. Generally, in unskilled jobs.

4. TFN or ABN

If your goal is to work in Australia in a company, you have to Apply to the Australian Tax Office for the TFN (Tax File Number). This document will be your tax file number in the country.

In case you want To work in Australia as a freelancer, you will need the ABN (Australian Business Number). This code identifies your business to the government and the community.

5. Have a bank account

Having a bank account in Australia will facilitate all the hiring procedures. A high percentage of employers make payments through transfers. Therefore, it is very useful that you already have the account when you start your work activities.

What can you work in Australia?

Australia is a country with an expanding economy, which It offers a large number of skilled and unskilled jobs. Although it is important to have a good level of English, In Australia you will be able to access unskilled jobs while you perfect your language.

Preparing and specializing in your area will allow you to obtain better jobs, In Australia you can study and work to achieve your goals. The main sectors in which you can work while studying are hospitality, construction or logistics.

You have to keep in mind that depending on the visa you have, you will be able to apply for the available job offers. This means that If your visa is short-term you may not be able to apply for jobs in your area, but take advantage of all the opportunities you get, each of them will be part of a great experience.

How much money do you earn in Australia?

The minimum wage in Australia is one of the highest in the world. It also has a progressive tax system, which becomes a great advantage since those who earn less pay less taxes.

For 2020 the minimum hourly wage is 19.49 AUD, that is, about 13 USD. But it is not only good to know the minimum wage, The average salary in Australia is 21 AUDabout 14 USD.

Salaries for qualified positions are higher than average, and will depend on the area and sector.

How to look for work in Australia?

Networking (meeting people who can help you get jobs) is the best option you have to work in Australia in a position that meets your professional expectations.

Another way to get a job in this country is through job boards. These specialized portals help you if you are looking for a specific job or if, on the contrary, you are looking for something more general, to be able to study and work in Australia.

You also have the option of searching for jobs through social networks. Facebook is one of those that offers you the largest number of groups and pages that are dedicated to searching for job offers and everything related to living and working in Australia.

If your goal is to find jobs for international students, A good method is to approach restaurants and hotels to leave your resume. Talking to different people will open doors for you.


Being an international professional broadens your horizons and allows you to live unique experiences. Working in Australia will improve your professional profile, boost your career and give you a better quality of life.

It is important that you know some key points so that your professional experience in Australia is a success. Among them, Your level of English must be adequate to obtain the best jobs. Another fundamental point is to process the correct visa, the opportunities you can take advantage of depend on it.

Open your mind to work in Australia In areas in which you are not very familiar, all these options are experiences that you accumulate and improve your professional profile.

While it is true that Australia has a high cost of living, this is offset by high salaries. Besides, Surround yourself with acquaintances and friends who can help you get the best job offers according to your expectations.

Your future starts today, take the next step and enjoy your life in Australia.