With 81 years of marriage, they reveal the secret of their long love

In recent decades, society has changed. If before we depended on a wonderful coincidence to happen to meet the love of our lives, now we have thousands of places to go and even applications to find a partner.

However, there are also the loves of yesteryear, long and lasting and based on completely different values. Faustino and Estefania give proof of them.

Faustino Jacinto and Estefanía Gómez live in Villa del Carbón, Mexico. They have been married for 81 years and have never slept apart from each other.

81 years of love

Faustino and Estefanía married in 1932, when he was 18 years old and she was 16. Her parents were opposed to that marriage, so Faustino decided to steal his beloved from her parents’ house.

She ran away with him, convinced that she was giving herself to the love of her life.

  • When asked the secret to a lasting and happy marriage, they respond: respect.

He never raised his hand, not even a pinch, assured Estefanía. “When she thought I was doing something wrong, she corrected me. And also when I saw something that she wasn’t, she said so” adds Faustino.

They had 11 children, 65 grandchildren, 110 great-grandchildren, and 18 great-great-grandchildren. Currently, Faustino is 103 years old, and Estefanía is 101 years old.

His secret to lead such a long life? They are still active. Every day, she prepares food and takes care of the plants in her house, while Don Faustino plays dominoes and takes care of the land in her home.

Isn’t it a beautiful love story?