It is one of the great mysteries (or perhaps not so mysterious) of humanity. doWhy do Hindu women wear a red dot on their foreheads?? Everything has its explanation. And in this case, it was not going to be less.
What seems logical is that in a culture like India, where colors are so relevant, one of its greatest symbols is this red dot or bindi. Bindi, in fact, in Indian means point. Why get complicated when the word for point is so cool. In fact, in the West, there are not a few people who already refer to this point as bindi, with total normality and as if it were our word.
To begin with, it must be said that it is not red in all cases, since the bindi can be presented in various shades. However, before breaking down the different tones, we should know that the bindi is associated with the third eye. Specifically, the point of energy that they manage to unlock through meditation. Let’s say it’s the way they achieve inner peace. Cool, right? Well, it’s just one of the theories around the bindi.
married? red bindi
Other historians affirm that the purpose of the dot on the forehead is as simple as letting it be known that the woman who wears it is married. Legend has it that, centuries ago, the bond prior to marriage was made by the man, marking the woman’s forehead with his own blood. A kind of blood oath taken to the romantic extreme.
Obviously, it was not planned that the husband would be painting the bindi with his blood on a daily basis. Fortunately, the option of the make-up, the stickers, even the tattoo. Better than blood, anything. Of course, the tattoo becomes a problem, if the woman is widowed. And it is that, when the husband died, regulations dictate that the bindi must be removed. Where is in this case the romanticism of those who want to wear it despite widowhood?
From tradition to fashion
However, over the years, the bindi has become a symbol of beauty and sensuality hindu. Thus, it is common to see girls and young women still marriageable, with the dot on their forehead. How then do we differentiate them from married women? Because the bindi of these is red. Thus they leave the rest of the chromatic range for the rest of the women. Well thought.
For those who do not understand that girls paint their bindi, without being married, they have an example at home. Wedding rings in the Catholic world are supposed to symbolize marriage between two people. Good,there is no one who wears rings on his hand without being married? It is exactly the same but much cheaper in the Hindu world.
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