If we go back to ancient Greece, we will find that the Greeks worshiped a plurality of gods and goddesses. Although not all these gods had the same power and status, but there were some of them who were above the others, whom we can qualify as the favorites of the time. Knowing this, the question that comes to mind is, Who was the most powerful Greek goddess? In this post we are going to analyze it and give you the answer.
Sekhmet, the invincible Greek goddess
That a goddess is given nicknames “The invincible”, “The most powerful”, or the “Great mother goddess”, gives us a clue that we are dealing with one of the gods who has a special plus of importance with respect to the gods. the rest. She is also called, however, “The Terrible One”, or in more friendly terms, “The Goddess of Love”, to speak of Sekhmet is talking about the most powerful Greek goddess.
Not in vain, not only for the Greeks, but also for the Egyptians, this goddess was considered the protector of the pharaohs, who was present when there was a war, working for it and also for revenge. But in the same way and on the opposite side, Sekmet helped to heal the wounds and illnesses caused during the conflict. In one way or another, it is not uncommon for men to surrender to her, knowing her power and her ability to ensure the triumph of wars and men.
Sekhmet, daughter of the sun
Apart from being the goddess of war, love and revenge, Sekhmet was a sun goddessbecause she was nothing less than the daughter firstborn of the sun god Ra. She also presents an alliance or similarity with other important goddesses of the moment such as Bastet and Hathor.
Due to her status as a solar goddess and daughter of Ra, she is represented with a solar disk on her head as a crown. Also, Sekhmet is a woman with the head of a lioness.. She also carries the uraeus or serpent symbol as a representation that we are facing a goddess who is related to royalty; the Anj or roasted cross; arrows and the lotus flower or papyrus. It is also not uncommon for us to see her with her breasts in the air, as a symbol of her power and dressed in red like blood. On occasion, she even wears the Eye of Horus.
The two faces of Sekhmet
A furious lioness who, if she calms down, ends up being adorable as a kitten. As paradoxical as it turns out, this is how Sejmet, the most powerful Greek goddess, is known. Because although she is a terrible and vengeful goddess, if we manage to calm her down and appease her anger, we can use that power in our favor, so that all that warrior force is poured out on our enemies in war and grants us victory in battle. , whether it be war or illness or personal injury.
Kind, but cruel if you oppose her or if you decide to attack her own, in this case, the monarchy, which she defended. Hence, Sejmet was confused with the goddess Bastet, similar to hers, but calm, serene and peaceful, as if she were the friendliest face of the guerrilla goddess.
The lady of the “Asheru”
With this nickname Sejmet was venerated. She was made in the temple of Mut, in Karnak. Although also in other regions. And it was done through animal sacrifices and these were frequent, since the goddess was demanding and insatiable. Almost every day the priests had to perform some rite or sacrifice to keep the goddess happy and calm. Hence, it is not surprising that so many statuettes of this goddess have been preserved, since she was present in all the temples where the priests patiently tried to keep her happy.
The myth of the Festival of Drunkenness
There are myths around every goddess and Sejmet was not going to be left behind, especially when it comes to such an important and angry goddess, also having a positive and negative double face. One of these known myths about Sekhmet or Sekmet is the myth of the Festival of Drunkenness.
According to this myth, once the cycle of Ra’s reign is over, the god sends his daughter Sekhmet to Earth to carry out a massacre against the humans who had conspired against him. The goddess did so, although her thirst for blood was not quenched with anything, so much so that she carried out her revenge, but even when she finished, she continued to want more and more blood. She attacked all men, almost ending humanity.
Seeing the trouble he had caused, Ra himself decided to dye the beer the color of blood. The goddess drank and drank beer mistaking it for blood. And she ended up intoxicated to the point that she could no longer continue her plan to continue killing and returned to Ra’s side.
From then on, and whenever a battle came to an end, festivals were organized to celebrate it, in honor of Sekhmet, to thank her for her help, and to try to appease her. In these festivals, a large amount of wine is served and drunk, emulating that it is the blood that the goddess drank without getting tired. A ritual that is repeated when there is a threat of great floods, in the hope that the goddess will drink all the water and put an end to those floods by saving everyone. This is how the Festivals of Drunkenness take place in honor of Sekhmet, the most powerful greek goddess and also known in cultures such as the Egyptian.
Did you like the myth of Sekhmet? Well, we invite you to learn more greek and roman goddesses visiting the following link: