Who shot the president? The Assassinated Presidents of the United States – History Archives | Your disclosure page

You could say that USA It has been a military and commercial power practically since its emergence as a country. However, it is also one of the top-tier contemporary powers in which the most presidents have been assassinated while in office, the attacks against Lincoln, kennedy or those who tried to end the life of reagan either Theodore Roosevelt.

Abraham Lincoln

Without a doubt, the sixteenth president of the united states of americais one of the most iconic in this ranking, because he can be considered one of the main men in power who was a banner of equality (within the limits of his time), precursor of the civil rights of man, in addition to his characteristic image with his huge top hat and his peculiar beard.

The biography of Abraham Lincoln It is without a doubt that of a model man. He was born on February 12, 1809 in Hodgenville, a small town in the state of Kentucky. However, due to the fact that his family constantly moved from the city, he did not receive more than elementary education, although his intellectual restlessness and his self-taught spirit led him to train as a lawyer and get involved in politics through the Whig Party of the United States and , later, of the Republican Party of Illinois. In fact, after the settlement of the family Lincoln in Springfield (Illinois) in 1829, there is where he will obtain his first important political position on March 4, 1847 as a member of the United States House of Representatives for the 7th district of Illinois, having to resign from a possible re-election two years later because he opposed the intervention and war that confronted Mexico and the United States.

Other interesting facts about Abraham Lincoln before becoming president is that he served as a captain in the United States Army in the confrontation against various indigenous leaders known as the Black Hawk War, in 1932. In addition, he married Mary Todd Lincoln in 1842, with whom had 4 children.

With the disintegration of the Whig Party and the founding of the Republican Party, Lincoln he was considered in June 1856 for the vice presidency of the United States, John C. Frémont being the candidate for the presidency. However, he was defeated by William L. Dayton, who, along with Frémont, would head the lists of the Republican Party, which was defeated by James Buchanan’s Democrats.

Despite the fact that he lost the candidacy for the presidency against his party colleague Frémont, the figure of Abraham Lincoln He came out extremely reinforced and enjoyed such popularity that, in May 1960, he was chosen as the person who would lead the Republicans in the presidential elections, who would win in the elections of November 6, 1860, being elected Lincoln as president and Hannibal Hamlin as vice president, with hardly any support in the southern states.

After the rise to power of Lincoln, the social fracture increased and the secession between the states of the south and the north was expected to be practically inevitable. The tension reached such a point that the first attempted assassination of the president occurred on February 23, 1861 in Baltimore, a few weeks before his inauguration in office.

The political and economic program of Lincoln It was based on what was called “American System”, characterized by a protectionist customs policy, large investments by the state in improving and building public works and an inflationary banking system. These measures clearly favored the industrial regions of the north, while severely harming the southern states, which would have to spend a greater amount of money to acquire manufactured goods, since protectionism prevented the arrival of British products at a good price. and caused the price of its exports to rise, thus causing ineffective competition abroad. Despite the economic gap caused by these measures between the different states, Abraham Lincoln he needed the Union to remain stable for them to be effective.

All these measures formed a cluster of unrest that, together with the proclamation of the XIII and XIV amendments to the United States Constitution, in which slavery was abolished and civil rights were imposed in all states, caused the outbreak of the United States Civil War on April 12, 1861.

With the war already started and after having named Ulysses S. Grant as the main general of the armies of the Union, in 1863, Lincoln proclaimed the definitive abolition of slavery, ended the American Civil War on April 9, 1865, when he captured the city of Richmond, Virginia, which had been the Confederate capital throughout the war, and made the famous gesture of sitting behind the desk of Jefferson Davis, who had been president of the Confederacy throughout the conflict.

The re-election of Abraham Lincoln it is the least curious, since it was carried out during the year 1864, when the country was still plunged into a bloody civil war. Therefore, the candidacy of Lincoln and his new vice president, Andrew Johnson, emerged the winner of the elections, taking power on March 4, 1865.

The victory in the Civil War had been a weapon of double standards for the recently re-elected president. For one thing, his popularity among the masses and his Northern supporters had never been at such a high point. However, many of the wounds and grudges produced in the conflict had not fully healed, causing the president to receive continuous death threats since his inauguration. Furthermore, circumstances had caused the relationship between General Grant and Lincoln narrowed, having frequent meetings to try to alleviate the misfortunes caused by the war.

Finally, on April 14, 1865, Abraham Lincoln and his wife attended Ford’s Theater in Washington DC, an event to which the president invited General Grant, who decided not to attend at the last moment to travel to Philadelphia. The chosen work was Our American Cousin by Tom Taylor. According to witnesses, when Abraham and Mary Todd sat in the box, appeared from behind him an actor for the southern cause, born in Maryland but living in Virginia, whose name was John Wilkes Booth, who automatically fired his Deringer pistol at the president’s head at the cry of “Sic semper tyrannis!” to later jump from the box to the stage, managing to flee on horseback despite having broken a leg. However, he was mortally wounded on April 26 while trying to flee from soldiers, dying that same day.

Lincolnwith a fatal head injury, was immediately treated in the same theater by Charles August Leale, a military doctor who was there and who could do little to save the life of the president, who fell into a coma when he was being transferred to his home, dying nine hours later, being 7 in the morning the time in which his death was certified.

A magnanimous funeral procession was held in his honor, his remains being taken by train through several states to be finally buried in Springfield, in the state of Illinois, where he began his political career.

James A Garfield

the twentieth president of the united states of america, James Abram Garfield He may be the most unnoticed on this list because his term is one of the shortest in the country’s history, along with that of the ninth president, William Henry Harrison. In addition, he would be the second US president to find death under the bullets of an assassin, along with Abraham Lincoln.

On November 19, 1831, he was born in Orange Township, in the state of Ohio, the president garfield. Unlike his predecessor in the ranking, this one did obtain an intense university education, studying from 1851 to 1854 at Hiram College, later moving to the University of Williams, in Massachusetts, where he would graduate in 1856. This helped him to practice as a professor at the Eclectic Institute and, in 1860, as a lawyer in the Ohio law firm, where he would also hold the position of senator from 1859 to 1861.

He married Lucretia Rudolph, with whom he had seven children and, with the outbreak of the Civil War, he was appointed colonel of the 42nd Infantry Battalion, made up of volunteers from the state of Ohio. His war merits made him reach the rank of major general in 1863. Similarly, he also won a seat in 1863 in the House of Representatives.

Always integrated into the Republican Party, he was chosen by it as a candidate for the presidency in the Chicago convention of 1880, managing, together with Chester A. Arthur as vice president, to prevail in the elections against the Democratic candidate, William Scott Hancock. His investiture took place on March 4, 1881.

Only four months after his investiture, on July 2, 1881, garfield He was shot twice at the train station in the US capital by Charles Julius Guiteau, a lawyer who the president had not granted the consular post that he had required. As a consequence, Guiteau was sentenced to death by hanging on June 30, 1882.

Because none of the shots had hit any vital organs, the president was transferred to the White House, where he would rest while the doctors did everything possible to save his life. On September 6, the president would be flown to New Jersey, where he would die 13 days later from infection and internal bleeding. Therefore, his agony lasted 70 days and, upon his death, he would be succeeded in office by Vice President Chester A. Arthur.

William McKinley

On January 29, 1843, it saw the light for the first time in Niles (Ohio), William McKinleywho would become in 1897 the twenty-fifth president of the United States of America.

the life of President McKinley he is typical of a man devoted to his country with ambitions to do something great for it. In June 1861, with the outbreak of the American Civil War, he enlisted in the twenty-third Ohio volunteer infantry regiment, to fight against the Confederates, reaching the rank of major in 1865. At the end of the conflict He trained as a lawyer at Albany High School and, starting in 1877, was elected to represent the Republican Party in the House of Representatives on several occasions, becoming chairman of the Law Committee between 1881 and 1883, establishing a series of measures of tariff increases for imports. However, his real leap in politics came when he won the election for governor of the state of Ohio, …