Which of these archangels governs your zodiac sign and in what situations could it help you?

The archangels are, within the celestial choir, those who work most directly with humanity. For this reason, they are associated with the natural elements, the cardinal points and the signs of the zodiac.

Although most authors mention 7 archangels, 4 are the main ones: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel. They are associated with the cardinal points (South, East, West, North); but also to the four elements (Fire, Water, Air, Earth). That is why they can also be associated with signs.

Which archangel rules your sign?

fire signs michael

The fire signs are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, and all three are ruled by the archangel Michael.

This archangel is also associated with the South cardinal point, his day is Sunday and his color is blue.

He is considered the head of the angelic armies. Therefore, he governs the signs of fire, characterized by his value.

Miguel is the archangel who is used to request protection, justice and security. Fire signs have a tendency to give in to temptations; the archangel Michael is also there to guide his men on the path of good.

Water signs: Gabriel

The signs ruled by the archangel Gabriel are those of water: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Gabriel is associated with the East, where the sun rises: it is, therefore, signs of hope and revelation. His day is Wednesday and his color is white.

The archangel Gabriel is perhaps the most famous, since he is the one who announced the conception of Christ in the Bible, as well as the one who is supposed to have dictated the Koran to Mohammed.

He is the messenger archangel, and therefore, he governs those who are eager to communicate, to express themselves. He is the one who helps keep negative thoughts away and change them for ideas of peace.

It is also associated with inspiration, purity and harmony.

Air signs: Raphael

Among the archangels, Raphael is the one who protects those born under the air signs, that is, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. His cardinal point is West, his day is Thursday, and his color is green.

This archangel is very present in all healing processes, whether physical or spiritual, since he is the one who is used to find a balance between emotions and the health of the body.

It is not surprising that people of these signs have a tendency to serve, and accompany sick or helpless people.

Earth signs: Uriel

Finally, it is Uriel who rules the earth signs: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. This archangel has North as its cardinal point, his day is Friday, and his color is orange.

As a good protector of the earth signs, Archangel Uriel is associated with the harmony of being with material things, with the gifts of the earth. Therefore, he is highly invoked in times of scarcity.

It is also used to achieve enlightenment.