For hundreds of years, Himalayan salt lamps have been used for more than just lighting a home. They are also used to channel bad energies, clean the air and help people relax. But how is this possible with a simple block of salt?
The sites from which this salt is extracted were formed 250 million years ago, when all the continents were united. As geological time progressed, there were some seas that dried up, leaving the deposits visible. For four centuries, Europeans have used these lamps for their great benefits.
Benefits of using salt lamps
Homes are usually full of positive ions, and today more than ever, since we live surrounded by electronic devices. Himalayan salt lamps, when lit, release negative ions into the atmosphere, neutralizing the environment and improving energy.
As salt lamps remove positive ions, the air is cleaned and allows you to breathe easier. Although they do not have the ability to cure respiratory diseases, they also work like essential oils, which when in contact with us help us relax and breathe better.
Clean air is really important for your brain to work properly. Due to the effect of the negative ions of the Himalayan salt lamps, it improves the supply of oxygen to the brain, which makes it work faster and frees itself from the stress caused by everything outside your home.
Where to put them?
Salt lamps are not cheap, so you need to place them in strategic places to get the most out of them. The first may be where you have more electronic devices, as it is where there is a greater charge of positive ions. Your bedroom is also an option, because there you spend many hours inactive and the environment can be charged with harmful energy.
Finally, winter is a good time to have extra lamps, since during cold days we tend to keep the windows closed for long periods of time. Himalayan salt lamps can help us stay warm, relaxed and energized.