There is no obligation or specific date to put up the Christmas tree. If you want to put it in the month of September you can do it, but you should know that there are times and ways and a Christmas tree out of season is not happy at all. But now the season is perfect and the right day is in these weeks. let’s see then when the Christmas tree is put up in Spain and in the rest of the countries.
If we follow the tradition that marks the Church, we have to say first of all that the Catholic or Christian tradition prefers the nativity scene, but knows that the tree is now a constant presence in homes.. In most Spanish homes it is usually put on a religious date, that of December 8 which coincides with being the date of the Immaculate Conception of Mary. There are also those who tend to anticipate and put up the tree on the first day of December simultaneously with the opening of the first box of the Advent calendar. There are also those who put it on December 6, which is when Constitution Day is celebrated in Spain since it is a holiday and as there is also a bridge referred to December 8, these days are used to decorate and prepare the house for Christmas. .
We cannot forget, however, that the tree is a pagan tradition and if we want to follow it, the appropriate date to do it would be the day of the winter solstice, between December 21 and 22. It is the moment of the return of the light, the days have been shortening and we begin to move towards the new season.
the nordic tradition
In Northern Europe, the symbolic date before Christmas is Saint Lucia. The date on which the tree appears in the houses is, therefore, the December 13th. It is Saint Lucia who brings gifts to children and, as her name says, it is she who returns the light.
The United States is a country that has a long Christmas tradition in which the tree is perhaps the most important element of all. In fact, they even have special lights on large and famous trees, such as the White House tree or the Rockefeller Center tree in New York. As for the date, the Christmas tree is usually put in the United States from thanksgiving the penultimate Thursday of November, and since the beginning of December it is almost everywhere.
Following popular tradition, the correct date is the January 6th, Epiphany when the festivities end. In many homes, howeverthere are those who leave it until at least January 7, since on January 6 in the morning the children open the gifts that the Three Wise Men have left for them under the tree, therefore, at least one more day is left. For those who want to look for an even more distant date, the day is that of Candelaria, February 2.