We celebrate the Murcia Day 2021 and with this we want to bring something of the history of this day and its traditions so that we know more about this region and about the day of its commemoration.
When is Murcia Day 2021 celebrated?
The Day of Murcia or Day of the Region of Murcia is celebrated on June 9 and it is a public holiday in the region of Murcia. The chosen date is due to the anniversary of the Statute of Autonomy of Murcia.
Why is Murcia Day 2021 celebrated?
After the Spanish Constitution of 1978, the region of Murcia was forced to discuss what its future would be, arriving in June 1980 to hold a meeting at the Totana Town Hall to discuss the regional issue. The proposal was very well received throughout the province despite initial opposition from the Cantonal Party.
On June 9, the statute was drafted by a group in which all positions were taken into account with the aim of making a text as plural as possible. In this group were representatives of the Union of the Democratic Center, the Socialist Party, the Communist Party, the Cantonal Party, the Popular Alliance and also the “nationalist” party of Mariano Yúfera.
The text was drafted in just over 20 days with only 8 meetings. Later, the draft statute arrived in Madrid in June 1981 and on February 17, 1982 it was approved by Congress with 266 votes in favor, 26 abstentions and no votes against.
That is why, for the anniversary of this statute of autonomy is celebrated on Murcia Day on June 9 each year.