When is Mother’s Day in each part of the World 2022 –

The mother is for many one of the most important people in your life, if you have been lucky enough to have the best mother in the world, as has been my case, this day has to have a special meaning. An exclusive dedication to her, the one who has always known how to advise you, the one who has listened to you in your sorrows and without a doubt, the woman who has loved you the most and will love you in life. For a mother, this day should be every day of her life. Know which countries celebrate a special day dedicated to the mother and when is mother’s day in each part of the world, will be our next and future mission. Attention!

Origin of mother’s day

When the month of May approaches, we can see multiple advertisements advising that we have to buy a gift for mom. Ads in which we see a huge number of possible products that you might or might not like, but this load of advertising and consumption is encouraged to celebrate a day has caused many people to brand this holiday as a commercial objective.

Taking a tour through history we can see how the birth of this holiday has nothing to do with commercial purposes but with the tributes and rites to the goddesses who represented motherhood and fertility on a global level.

As we mentioned in the article «History and Origin of Mother’s Day«, we have to travel to ancient Greece to discover the possible origin of this day. Even then, it was honored greek goddess rhea that she was the mother of the gods Zeus, Hades and Poseidon; or in the Roman Empire goddess Cybele who was the goddess of mother Earth.

Although many name these two great civilizations as the pioneers of the Mother’s Day festival, there are other historians who point to Ancient Egypt as the first to worship this female figure to give thanks for creation and fertility. In this case, they would refer to the cults that were offered to the goddess isiswhich they called the «Fertilizing force of nature”, the “Goddess of motherhood and birth” or the “Great Mother Goddess”.

Later, according to the beliefs and religions of each of the civilizations, the goddesses changed and the festivities changed. They talked about the virgin mary and the Immaculate Conception as a special date on which Mother’s Day was celebrated; later we would talk about Mother’s Sunday until the United States proclaimed the second Sunday in May as the celebration of Mother’s Day.

I don’t want to go too far into this section because you have everything well detailed and explained in the article that I mentioned before and which you can access by clicking above on History and Origin of Mother’s Day.

Mother’s Day in the different parts of the world 2022

The Mother’s Day It is one of the most valued international festivities and reaches up to 20 different dates throughout the world.

One of the most striking curiosities of the Mother’s Day holiday is how has been changing date over time and how, depending on the country in which one is, the festivity is celebrated on a specific day but the way of celebrating it is usually quite similar.

For honor a mother, children usually choose flowers and chocolates as a present that speaks of the delicacy and beauty of themselves, as well as sweets to please and that symbolize their own maternal sweetness. While, when we talk about younger children, what is usually the most common present are crafts and objects made by themselves.

Returning to the varied dates on which Mother’s Day has been celebrated and how it has changed throughout history, let’s look at Spain. Currently, Mother’s Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of May, while in the past it was celebrated on December 8, on the occasion of the Immaculate Conception. From the year 1965 it was decided to change and separate both celebrations, just as we are enjoying today.

Actually, many consider that this festivity was updated and established in today’s society in 1914 by the president of USA, Woodrow Wilson, when he declared that the second Sunday of May of each month would be celebrated as Mother’s Day. This promoted many countries to include this celebration in their festivities, some with other dates and variations, while other countries continue to celebrate it on the same Sunday.

Another curious fact about this festivity is that it is not related to spring and the symbolization of fertilization and the fruit that is usually associated with this season of the year. Absolutely. In many countries, Mother’s Day is usually celebrated in the fall and winter months.

Mother’s day in Spain

In Spain there is data on the celebration of a specific day for the mothers ofthe year 1330when the different brotherhoods created in Gerona in honor of the Immaculate Virgin.

Until now everything was governed by religiosity and officiality, that is, Mother’s Day It was the day of the mother of God, that is, the Virgin. As a representation of Mary Mother, the Catholic Church had chosen the Virgin of the Immaculate and in turn had established December 8 as a holiday.

This is how it was celebrated in Spain since 1644, there was no single day for “earthly” mothers and another for the spiritual mother. The celebrations had religious character and was celebrated with a visit to the parish where each individual had been baptized. The mothers were waiting for their children, some of them far from home. It was a time when families gathered but always with a marked religious character.

When in USA, a country where religiosity was far from reaching the faith that was professed in Spain, decides to establish a day in honor of motherhood. At this moment, Spain begins to contemplate the need to separate the two parties, one dedicated to the Catholic faith such as the feast of the Immaculate Conception and on the other hand a day dedicated to the mother, as a birth party.

But it wasn’t until 1965 when Mother’s Day was moved to the first Sunday in May, as it is celebrated today. The choice of the month of May is not accidental, because despite separating a religious festival from a pagan one, it has always been wanted to give it a religious connotation and May is the month of the Virgin.

Next, we show you what are the dates in which Mother’s Day is celebrated internationally and in which countries specifically. Note that in some of them some exceptions are indicated and in some countries several celebrations are combined on the same day.

  • Second Sunday in February: Norway
  • Fourth Sunday of Lent: Ireland and UK
  • March 3rd: Georgia
  • March 8: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Bulgaria, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan.
  • March 21st: Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria
  • April 7: Armenian
  • First Sunday of May: Spain, Hungary, Lithuania, Portugal, South Africa, Romania.
  • Second Sunday of May. Germany, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Belgium (except Antwerp), Chile, China, Canada, Colombia (except Cúcuta), Croatia, Cuba, Denmark, Ecuador, United States, Estonia, Philippines, Finland, Greece, Netherlands, Honduras, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, New Zealand, Peru, Puerto Rico, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, Uruguay, Venezuela.
  • May 8: South Korea
  • May 10: El Salvador, United Arab Emirates, Guatemala, India, Malaysia, Mexico, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Singapore
  • may 14: Samoa
  • 15 th of May: Paraguay
  • May 26: Poland
  • may 27th: bolivia
  • May 30: Nicaragua
  • Last Sunday of May: Dominican Republic, Haiti, Sweden, Cúcuta (Colombia), France
  • August 12: Thailand
  • August 15th: Antwerp and Costa Rica
  • Third Sunday in October: Argentina
  • October 13: Belarus
  • Last Sunday of November: Russia
  • December 8: Panama
  • December 22th: Indonesia

Mother’s day | Spain

Since May 1965, Mother’s Day has been celebrated the first Sunday of May. Formerly it was celebrated on December 8, coinciding with the feast of the Immaculate Conception.

Mother’s day | Brazil

The first time Mother’s Day was celebrated in Brazil was on May 12, 1918, the city that organized the festivities was Porto Alegre and it was celebrated thanks to the Associação Cristã de Moços. Later in 1932, when Getúlio Vargas governed, he acceded to the request of the Brazilian Federation of Feminist Women and Brazil celebrated and established the second Sunday of May the Mother’s Day. In 1947 this date was included in the Calendar of celebrations of the Catholic Church in Brazil.

Mother’s day | Italy

In Italy, the celebration of Mother’s Day responds more to commercial and religious purposes. In 1956 the mayor of Bordigheraa town famous for its flowers, during a Flower Fair, decided to dedicate a day to mothers, curiously, that day would be celebrated in Bordighera and would be the second Sunday of MaySurely there was some commercial reason.

Later it began to be celebrated in the Park Palace, until the parish priest of Tordibetto di Assisi thought that the best date to celebrate Mother’s Day was the 12th of May, but not to celebrate motherhood day, as something physiological. The real idea of ​​this party was to exalt the Christian work of mothers and their religious values.

In 1958, a Bill in the Italian Senate, to set a date on the calendar outside of religious symbolism, something that a part of the chamber did not like very much and refused. But over time, the celebration began to spread throughout the peninsula and for almost forty years it fell on the May 8.

In the year 2000, this date and due to the need to reconcile work calendars, will begin to be mobile, celebrating since then the second Sunday of May, as in most countries.

When is Mother’s Day in Mexico 2022

The celebration in Mexico, It is May 10, 2022, Monday, no matter what day of the week it falls on, contrary to what happens in other countries. The first celebrations as such date back to 1911, but the date was not institutionalized until 1922. The reason is believed to have been as a concession to the Feminist movement that was beginning to surface. In some towns in Mexico, this festival tends to be linked with celebrations in honor of the Virgin of Guadalupe.

Mother’s day | Panama

Its celebration coincides in Panama with the day of the national holiday, the day December 8.

Mother’s day | Chili

The celebration in Chile of Mother’s Day is the second Sunday of May, although officially Mother’s Day is the May 10.

Mother’s day | bolivia

Mother’s Day is celebrated on may 27th, The reason is to commemorate the day of the Heroines of the Chapletswomen and mothers who faced the royalist army during the war of the independence of Bolivia in the year 1812, in the city of Cochabamba. It was officially instituted by Law on November 8, 1927.

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