When is Father’s Day in each part of the World 2022 –

We know the importance of Father’s Day and how this holiday, since it was introduced, reaches all homes, crossing oceans and climbing mountains, if necessary, but did you know that this day is not celebrated in all countries in the same date? discover now when is father’s day in each part of the world 2022.

Until now you may have thought that the Father’s dayis celebrated in almost all countries and it does not matter what religion they profess or the language in which they speak it, since on this holiday, many sign up to show their affection to their parents with praises and giftsbut the truth is that the The origin of the celebration usually varies in many countries, giving rise to different dates.

When is father’s day in each part of the world

As it is celebrated in almost the whole world, we have to find out when it is celebrate in every part of this planetin case we travel or our father is on a trip and we don’t want him to forget that we know that the Father’s day there and we have not forgotten about them.

It is a detail, remembering them wherever we are on the planet, so we instill that our children do the same, with their parents.

See What is the true origin of Father’s Day

in about 70 nations, including the United States, Father’s Day falls on the third Sunday in June. Some countries with a Catholic tradition, such as Spain, Portugal and Italy, however, celebrate March 19, Saint Joseph’s Day.

let’s see then On what exact days or dates Father’s Day is celebrated depending on each country.

Father’s Day First Registration

The first record of a tribute to parents in human history dates back to the ancient babylon, about 4,000 years ago. At that moment, a young man would have made a card for his father, molded in clay. In the present, he wished luck, health and a long life for his parents.

Third Sunday in June

Father’s Day is celebrated the third Sunday of June in some 70 countries, including the United States, which instituted the date. The The first Father’s Day in the country was celebrated on June 19, 1910.. At that time, Sonora Louise Smart Dodd wanted to honor her father, who single-handedly raised her and her six siblings after her wife’s death.

Sonora managed to set a date that spread throughout the country, coinciding with her father’s birthday on June 19. In 1966, however, the date changed and the third Sunday in June was officially designated Father’s Day in the country. and in 1972 President Richard Nixon made it a national holiday.

In addition to the US, countries like Mexico, Canada, France, Turkey, Venezuela, Japan, Chile, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and South Africa they also celebrate the same day, as well as countries in South and Central America, Africa and Asia.

St. Joseph’s Day

Why is March 19 Saint Joseph’s Day? The The choice of date is related to the death of Saint Joseph, that is, the “adoptive father” of Jesus.

The origins of the cult of Saint Joseph date back to the Middle Ages, a time when the figure of the saint was venerated in all the Eastern churches; Later, from the fourteenth century, the cult also spread to the West, and from that moment on March 19, his feast began to be observed.

The latter was later inserted into the Roman calendar by the Pope Sixtus IV around 1479. From that moment on, March 19 becomes Father’s Day.

Thus, in countries with a stronger Catholic tradition, Father’s Day is celebrated on March 19, the day of Saint Joseph, the husband of Mary, mother of Jesus. Among them are Portugal, Spain, Italy, Andorra, Bolivia and Honduras.

Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Croatia They also celebrate on the same date. In southern Italy, it is customary to prepare a special gift for parents, known as “Fritelle di San Giuseppe”.

Defender of the Fatherland Day

In Russia, parents are honored 23 of February, date on which Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated. Originally, the date, dating from 1919, celebrated members of the Russian Armed Forces.

Over the years, all men have come to interpret the date as their day. On this day, parades are held around the cities of Russia in honor of war veterans, and parents are given special attention.

the ascension of jesus

Parents are honored in Germany on a Catholic date: the day of the ascension of Jesus Christ, the date on which, according to the Church, the physical body of Jesus was raised to heaven. Is carried out on the 40th day after Easter Sunday, always on Thursdays. German parents often take food and drink carts out into the streets and celebrate the day with their children, parents and siblings in the cities. Many use the date as an opportunity to drink.


In some Middle Eastern countries, Father’s Day is celebrated on June 21, the first day of summer in the region. Countries that have this tradition include Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan, Syria and the Palestinian territories. Uganda also celebrates on the same date.


In Oceania, Father’s Day is celebrated on first Sunday of September. Among them are Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and the Fiji Islands. In Australia, the date is very commercial and there is a great incentive to buy gifts, as in Spain.

nordic countries

Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden celebrate Father’s Day on the second Sunday of November every year. In Finland, instead of giving their parents their gift directly, many children choose to hide it and give clues to their parents so they can find it.

islamic holiday

Father’s Day is celebrated in Iran on the anniversary of Imam Ali, that is celebrated on the 13th day of Rahab, the seventh month of the Islamic calendar. Imam Ali was a cousin of the Prophet Muhammad and would have been the first man to accept the Prophet’s message. He dedicated his life to Islam and is considered the first imam by Shias. On the date, Iranians gather in mosques to honor his memory, and his parents are also honored.

Eighth day of the eighth month

In Taiwan, Father’s Day is celebrated on August 8, the eighth day of the eighth month of the year. In Mandarin, the pronunciation of the number eight and the word “August” is very similar to the word “father.” For this reason, the population began to honor their parents on this day, which is not a national holiday.


Thai families celebrate Father’s Day on any day that is the current King’s birthday (right now, that’s in December). Children give their parents yellow Canna flowers and dress in yellow to celebrate.


As we are seeing, Father’s Day is celebrated all over the world. In the case of India, this is a festival that is celebrated a lot. The day is the same as in the United States, that is, the third Sunday in June and with a special party in which the parents are the protagonists.


Father’s Day in France is also commemorated on the third Sunday in June and its recent history can be traced back to a company that manufactures lighters and markets them as gifts to smoking fathers. However, as times change, we have to say that the gift of lighters is becoming more and more obsolete and that these are often replaced by drawings or small gifts. But the idea of ​​honoring the father may also be related to the much older celebration of Saint Joseph on March 19, which, on the other hand, Catholics in France do celebrate, although not as the feast of the Father and yes as the feast of Saint Joseph. .


Australians celebrate Father’s Day on the first Sunday in September, which is also the first Sunday of spring there.


Like the United States, Mexico celebrates Father’s Day on the third Sunday in June, although it is not an official holiday. However, Mexicans give gifts to their parents and celebrate with food and music. Some also participate in the 21 kilometer race in Mexico City, the “Father’s Day Race 21K Bosque de Tlalpan” which is a charity race that is organized and celebrated in order to make donations to save the forests


Germany does things a little differently than other countries. On the 40th day of Easter, Ascension Day, German men have a tradition to celebrate Father’s Day by organizing walks and other gatherings, and making sure they are well stocked with food and alcohol.


An American import, Father’s Day in Canada is an unofficial celebration that like the United States It takes place on the third Sunday in June.

Dates of Father’s Day 2022 in the world

So that you can write down the different dates indicated, we can also leave you a list with the dates on which celebrate father’s day and the countries that sign up to it.

  • Russia: 23 of February
  • Andorra: March, 19
  • bolivia: March, 19
  • Honduras: March, 19
  • Italy: March, 19
  • Liechtenstein: March, 19
  • Portugal: March, 19
  • Spain: March 19 Saint Joseph’s Day
  • Germany: Sixth week following Easter Sunday
  • South Korea: May 8
  • Romania: Second Sunday of May
  • Togo: Third Sunday of May
  • Afghanistan: Third Sunday in June
  • Old and bearded: Third Sunday in June
  • Argentina: Third Sunday in June
  • Austria: Second Sunday in June
  • Bahamas: Third Sunday in June
  • Bangladeshi: Third Sunday in June
  • Barbados: Third Sunday in June
  • Belgium: Second Sunday of June, but Antwerp which is a city and municipality in Belgium celebrates it on March 19
  • Bermuda Islands: Third Sunday in June
  • Bulgaria: Third Sunday in June
  • burma: Third Sunday in June
  • Canada: Third Sunday in June
  • Chili: Third Sunday in June
  • China: Third Sunday in June
  • Colombia: Third Sunday in June
  • Coast delicious: Third Sunday in June
  • Cuba: Third Sunday in June
  • Cyprus: Third Sunday in June
  • Republic czech: Third Sunday in June
  • Denmark: June 5 (Constitution Day)
  • Ecuador: Third Sunday in June
  • Egypt: June 21
  • Ethiopia: Third Sunday in June
  • France: Third Sunday in June
  • Ghana: Third Sunday in June
  • Greece: Third Sunday in June
  • Guatemala: June 17
  • Guiana: Third Sunday in June
  • Haiti: Last Sunday of June
  • Hong kong: Third Sunday in June
  • Hungary: Third Sunday in June
  • India: Third Sunday in June
  • Iran: 13
  • Ireland: Third Sunday in June
  • Japan: Third Sunday in June
  • Jordan: June 21
  • Lebanon: June 21
  • Lithuania: First Sunday of June
  • Malaysia: Third Sunday in June
  • malt: Third Sunday in June
  • Mauricio: Third Sunday in June
  • Mexico: Third Sunday in June
  • countries Low: Third Sunday in June
  • Nicaragua: June 23
  • Nigeria: Third Sunday in June
  • Pakistan: Third Sunday in June
  • Panama: Third Sunday in June
  • Paraguay: Third Sunday in June
  • Peru: Third Sunday in June
  • Philippines: Third Sunday in June
  • Poland: June 23
  • Puerto Rico: Third Sunday in June
  • St. Lucia: Third Sunday in June
  • St. Vincent and the Grenadines: Third Sunday in June
  • Singapore: Third Sunday in June
  • Slovakia: Third Sunday in June
  • South Africa: Third Sunday in June
  • Sri Lanka: Third Sunday in June
  • Swiss: Third Sunday in June
  • Syria: June 21
  • Trinity and Tobago: Third Sunday in June
  • Turkey: Third Sunday in June
  • Uganda: June 21
  • Ukraine:…