A great day dedicated to all those men who are fathers and live the joy of fatherhood. For them, there was Father’s day, a festivity, initially religious, but which has also been adapted to not so religious societies. Let’s see now when is Father’s Day 2022.
The Father’s Day 2022 in Spain will be celebrated on March 19. This is the day that for decades has been established as the day that glorifies fathers, coinciding with the date of the death of Saint Joseph, the father on Earth of Jesus Christ. The day is really popular, and It is celebrated all over the world although the date can change depending on each country.
Origin of Father’s Day
As I mentioned earlier, your original root is merely religious, since it does honor to Saint Josephthe father on earth of Jesus Christ and who has always had a reputation for being kind, devoted and a dedicated father.
Officially, regardless of the religious branchon the Middle Ages a day dedicated to parents was already being commemorated, but officially, it began to be celebrated in the year 1909 and in USAbecause a woman, called Sonora SmartHe decided honor your fatherveteran of the American Civil War William Jackson Smart, because he raised her and her younger siblings, being totally alone, since his wife died giving birth to their sixth child.
Due to this and to the commotion that was mounted, it was seen as a festive possibility to complement the festivity of the Mother’s Daywhere they were honored for raising boys.
Sonora Smartbelieved that his father was an example to follow, so he decided to celebrate the Father’s daythe day of his birthday, on June 19. From that day in 1910 he decided to celebrate Father’s Day although he had a long way to go to get the day recognized as a holiday.
In fact it wasn’t really until 1966 that the day was officially instituted in the United States, as a public holiday, but the date was changed to the third Sunday of June . In 1972, President Richard Nixon declared the third Sunday in June the official day for celebrating Father’s Day.. This date was adopted as a model by several Western countries. To read the complete history of this celebration visit The true origin of Father’s Day.
Origin of Father’s Day in Spain
In Spain, the origin of the celebration of Father’s Day is somewhat different. Although the basis of the celebration is that of honor Saint Joseph and it has a lot to do with religion, the truth is that the idea of having a day assigned to fathers in our countryemerged in 1948from the effort of a school teacher, called Manuela Vicente Ferrerowho taught at the “Santo Ángel” school in the Madrid neighborhood of Vallecas.
Manuela, affectionately known as “Nely”, prepared a gift every year with her students on the occasion of Mother’s Day (which is celebrated on the first Sunday of May, but at that time it was celebrated on December 8, coinciding with the day of the Immaculate Conception), but a chance meeting with two parents of students, who reproached him for not having gifts for the parents, inspired him for the students to also elaborate something to commemorate the father figure.
Thinking of a date for the elaboration of the gift and delivery by the students to the parents, Vincent believed that March 19th, which was already designated in the calendar as the feast of Saint Joseph (the father of Jesus of Nazareth on Earth), It would be the perfect date.
In this way, she decided to also write (under her pseudonym Nely) an article that was published in “El magisterio español”, in the He asked the rest of the schools to be encouraged to celebrate that day as Father’s Day.
The proposal became a complete success, and even reached the ears of Pepín Fernández, owner of “Galerías Preciados”, who chose to also celebrate that date as Father’s Day and in factbegan to make this day a commercial celebration, to buy gifts for the father. He even asked Manuela to lend her image to promote the day, but the teacher refused and in her place, Fernández promised that he would hire the “San Ángel” students who graduated.
Since then Father’s Day is established in Spain as a day that serves to honor parents, although it is far from being a holiday.
Father’s Day in Spain 2022
As we say, since the late 1940s, Father’s Day has become a very popular holiday in Spain, celebrated to honor fathers and shower them with gifts, but there are always variations in each country.
In Spain, whose official religion is Catholicism, is not celebrated on June 19, but on March, 19since as we have mentioned, it is more related to the saint joseph festivala holiday dedicated to the father on earth of Jesus Christ.
This year 2022, Father’s Day will fall specifically on Thursdaywhich is still a working day, although we can take the opportunity to bring a gift to our father at one point, or spend part of the day with him.
Then point out that the official day of the Father’s Day in Spain is March 19. See Why Father’s Day is celebrated on March 19.
Father’s Day 2022 in other countries
There are other countries in which Father’s Day is related in the same way as in Spain, with the Catholic tradition and the figure of Saint Joseph. In this way, as in our country, in Portugal, Italy, Andorra, Bolivia and Honduras, For example, him Father’s Day also falls on March 19.
In other countries like United States, Mexico or Chile, Father’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of Junewhich this year would be June 20.
In Russia However, it is celebrated Father’s Day on February 23. The reason is the fact that this day is also reserved for the celebration of the Local Fatherland Defender’s Day, a date celebrated since 1919. The two dates ended up intertwining.
Father’s Day 2022
On this day, the family usually gathers to celebrate between gifts and food the grace of having an attentive father who always takes care of the family. Through gifts, we are giving them all our love and dedication, in honor the efforts what they did for us.
Both in the nursery and in the school of Primary or Secondarythe dates are reminded so that the little ones and not so little ones that it is time to think about what give to parentsto show them how hard he works to give them an education and a welcoming home.
It may have become a bit commercial, more than anything because a razor always falls into a house, because they are promoted a lot, but the gift is the least of it. We all know that the March, 19is he Father’s day and although we show it to them every day, it is not bad, that they be protagonists. However, in other countries it is celebrated on different days. For example, in much of South America such as Mexico or Peru, Father’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in June. And in other countries like Brazil it is celebrated in August or in Thailand it is celebrated in December. Father’s Day in Nepal is also curious, as it does not go according to any specific day but follows the cycle of the moon.