It has been celebrated for a long time and it is a date that we should take seriously, because it depends on us that life continues its course and that we can leave a good environmental heritage to our descendants. You know When is Environment Day 2021? We tell you everything about this special day.
When is Environment Day 2021?
Let’s mark this date June 5, 2021, is the day on which Environment Day is celebrated around the world. A date that should be very important for us, to show us how much we love the planet we live on.
Earth Day is also celebrated. See what it consists of:
Why is Environment Day 2021 celebrated?
With the commemoration of this day, what is intended is to make the world population aware of the problems that pollution is causing in our environment and, with it, also in our health.
Air and water pollution, as well as poor waste management, or the super production of polluting products. Also mass consumption, although it is difficult for us to assimilate it, is a form of contamination that affects us directly and will indirectly affect the way in which future generations will live.
Environment Day has been celebrated since 1972 when it was established by the UN General Assembly and is a way of making all peoples aware of the importance of caring for our environment, showing us that what is done in one part of the world It affects everyone, and even the one on the other side of the world.
2020 should be a year to take action on climate care. It is true that there is more and more awareness about it, but we are still far from doing everything possible to help heal the ecosystem.
Each year a country is designated which performs the function of “host of the environment day”and this year the designated country is Colombiawhile the central theme of the celebration will be The Biodiversity. Biodiversity is the different species of animals and plants that live within a common space.
Colombia has always been cataloged as one of the main representatives of the greatest diversity of flora and fauna in the world, so the host country is well chosen.
This June 5, 2021, World Environment Day The commitments made on Biological Diversity made at the fifteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties held in Kunmig, China, will be renewed and evaluated.
Within this celebration, different activities are carried out that contribute to teach us how to protect our planet What:
- Concerts.
- Concentrations in the squares in different countries.
- Mass tree planting in various regions of the world.
- Carry out recycling campaigns.
- Signing of agreements and institutional conventions that help improve the environment.
- Organize events so that people become aware that they can buy and use equally functional recycled products and, in turn, commit to recycling.
Forest fires in Australia, melting ice in Antarctica, floods in some countries and water shortages. All these incidents allow decrease the biodiversity of nations.
How to celebrate Environment Day 2021?
As I have said before, various activities are carried out on the day of the environment, such as planting trees, presenting concerts, etc., but I believe that we should not stay in a single day. The environment affects us all on a daily basis. We should start taking effective actions to help reduce pollution and allow the ecosystem to begin its regeneration.
And in favor of the environment, let’s also celebrate Water Day:
Some Actions to take care of the environment that can be done are the following:
- Keep food wrappers and other garbage until we reach a container or an established place to deposit it.
- Carry out playful activities with adults and children, such as the creation of a creative alphabet to take care of the environment so that children can also learn as children.
- Save water every day.
- Dispose of garbage separately in the respective containers.
- Eat less processed foods.
- Make toys with recycled materials.
- Encourage the consumption of fruits and vegetables.
- Carry out seed germination activities to learn the process of growing food.
- Make a play for children that shows the importance of caring for the planet.
- Prepare natural drinks such as Kumis and Yogurt to learn about their process and the importance of animals in our environment.
- Maintain contact with nature close to children, that is, go to a park and discover what insects, flowers and birds live there, to learn to take care of the environment that surrounds us.
- Negotiate with the children the management of free time, instilling in them that in that time they carry out an activity outside the house
- Organize with the neighboring children and parents a day of cleaning the areas surrounding where we live.
- Promote the planting of more native trees in public places.
- Make use of the three R’s: Recycle, Reuse, Reuse.
- Make Auctions in the neighborhood to be used in the improvement of public spaces and the help of the animals that live in our parks.
- Organize workshops that focus on the care of natural resources.
- Use the resources around us sparingly.
- Visit museums and exhibitions that help us understand the environment and allow us to find solutions to improve it.
- Respect the Green Zones.
You have already seen that caring for the environment is not impossible, and that it only requires a little will on our part. So let’s start celebrating Environment Day every day. Because only then will we be looking to the future of our future generations, their health and well-being, and even our own, because the negative effects of mistreating the environment are already being felt.
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