What kind of chin do you have? It can reveal something about your childhood that you did not know

Although many only pay attention to the face in a purely aesthetic sense, it is an expression of who we are inside, the lifestyle we lead and even our daily diet.

A group of scientists organized an investigation on chins and reached some conclusions about it, which would be related to certain aspects of people’s childhood. They reviewed around 6,600 adolescents between the ages of 12 and 17, and the results reflected tendencies toward overweight, color blindness, and protein deficiency, among others.

1. Short chin (retrognathism)

The short jaw speaks of poorly developed muscles but a flexible spine. People with this jaw type are not likely to be overweight and are predisposed to color blindness. Also, when they are born, they have less weight than people with prognathism. A symmetrical short chin is also a genetic trait.

2. Protruding chin (prognathism)

People with well-defined lower jaws can boast good muscles and a strong skeleton, but they are also prone to being overweight. If at the same time the jaw is not symmetrical, it is definitely something genetic inherited from one of the parents or ancestors.

3. Symmetrical chin

The symmetrical jaw, according to the research results, indicates that it is a completely inherited trait that was not affected by external factors or the environment.

4. Asymmetric jaw

The asymmetrical jaw is not a congenital trait but an acquired one. It appears due to the stress of the organism in childhood, for example, due to protein deficiency from an early age, exposure to heavy metals, obesity and smoking. The reason may be a large family or a low income level, which could be reflected during childhood in the diet and quality of medical care.

Both protruding and short chins can be asymmetrical. According to the results of the research, asymmetrical chins were found in every fourth participant of the experiment. Asymmetry is not always visible to the naked eye, but there are ways to check it.

You have an asymmetrical jaw if:

  • You chew more with the right or left side.
  • With your teeth you crush rather than rub the food.
  • Dental plaque is more marked in one part of the teeth.
  • Sometimes your gums bleed.