What is your third eye, how to activate it and how you can take advantage of its power

The third eye is one of the 7 main chakras that human beings have according to Hinduism. Do you know how to activate it and how you can take advantage of its power?

It is the sixth chakra, to be more specific, and it is located in the middle of our two physical eyes. It is related to the mind, intuition and imagination and its related organ is the pineal gland.

Today we will talk about an exercise to keep it open. Unlike other techniques such as meditation or the Osho unlocking exercises, with this method you will only need to set aside a little time to carry it out.

[Lee también: 4 señales de que tu tercer ojo se está abriendo]

Evolution symbol?

Among the many theories that speak about the third eye, there is one that raises evolution. In fact, various animals, such as tuna, shark, frogs and lizardsThey have a third eye on their heads that scientists call the pineal eye. That is, the third eye, technically, is real, or at least in said species.

What scientists call the pineal eye is like a normal third eye, only it works differently than the other 2. Basically, it consists of a photoreceptor that does not have rods or cones to capture light. It is a vestigial organ; that is, a consequence of the evolution of the species.

According to this theory, in humans the third eye would be the pineal gland. However, specialists point out that the pineal gland does not allow us to see the future. Rather, it is simply responsible for ordering our sleep patterns by releasing hormones such as melatonin.

But, for third eye theorists, not only reptiles and amphibians have that third eye. But our oldest ancestors also counted on it, to be able to look behind them and see what was not visible with the 2 front eyes.

In this sense, after thousands of years of evolution, the third eye became what we now know as the pineal gland, according to this theory.

Why do you need to open your third eye?

All the chakras can become blocked, leading to a waste of our spiritual energy. However, the chakras are capable of being worked on and balanced. In the case of the third eye, its main blockage is usually the so-called “Maya”, a veil that means “illusion” and that makes us believe that we are nothing more than this physical body.

How to activate your third hojo?

The exercise to expand the potential of our third eye is very simple: you just have to find a quiet moment, sit in a meditation position, and think about the sacred truth of the chakra, which is “I seek only the truth”. You need to repeat it, as if it were a mantra.

This thought will help us perceive the world as it is and accept it, no matter how much it can hurt us. Since the world does not accommodate our needs or tastes, we tend to look the other way, making the most real perception of the outer plane impossible. To make the task even easier, we specify the steps you must follow to activate your third eye.

learn to meditate

The third eye chakra is located in the front part of the brain, between the eyes. It is just above the bridge of the nose. So when meditating, you should try to focus your mind on this chakra. This is responsible for helping you see the world more clearly.

Pick the perfect setting

Meditation is considered one of the most effective strategies to activate the chakra you seek. By being more aware of your thoughts, you will be better able to access the mental clarity associated with this chakra. The main goal of meditation is to get the mind to rest on a thought or object. So it is important to choose the environment well so that you feel comfortable when you meditate.

Some people feel more peace and freedom in nature. If you are one of them, you can meditate outdoors. Find a place with the right temperature and where you can sit without anyone bothering you.

Indoor meditation is perfectly acceptable. Many have exclusive spaces to meditate in their homes.

Prepare the posture

The connection of mind and body is of great importance in meditation. Since, the more comfortable you are on a physical level, the easier it is to meditate. The most effective meditation posture usually involves some variation of sit cross-legged on the floor.

If you’re used to sitting on a couch, take some time each day to get used to sitting on the floor. Over time, it will become more natural and easier for you to focus on your meditation.

Choose a meditation object

A meditation object can be both a thought and a physical object itself. The idea is to choose one that makes it easier for the brain to concentrate. This will prevent your thoughts from wandering and will make your meditation more effective.

Candles are a popular meditation object. Its billowing flame is easy on the eyes and soothing, according to many people.

select a mantra

what is called a mantra is a word or phrase to repeat during meditation practice. It can be out loud or in thought, it depends on each person.

Your mantra should be something you want to integrate into your mind or consciousness. For example, you can repeat: “I choose happiness.” This will help reinforce the idea that you are going to focus on joy throughout the day.

make meditation a routine

Meditation is a practice. That is, the first time you sit down to meditate it might not go well at all. Your mind might wander or you might even fall asleep. Learning to meditate well is a process that takes a long time.

In this sense, the ideal is that Make meditation part of your daily life. Start with 5 minutes and then extend it as long as you think is necessary.

develop more awareness

This means being more actively sensitive to the environment around us. It is about paying attention to emotions and physical sensations in a conscious way. Having more awareness will help you connect with yourself and the world around you.

Benefits of the third eye

One of the main benefits of activating this chakra is that it helps to have more peace. Part of this is due to the attainment of greater compassion for oneself. Having more self-awareness generally makes one kinder to oneself.

Another reason why people seek to activate this chakra is wisdom. Because it heightens your perception of the world, it stands to reason that you’ll be able to learn more from your surroundings.

It also improves people’s physical health as stress levels are likely to be reduced. And people with less stress tend to have lower blood pressure and fewer symptoms of depression. Also, it can reduce headaches and stomach aches. It can even make your skin look younger.

How to take advantage of the third eye?

The vision that the third eye gives you has nothing to do with looking through things or perceiving people or objects that are far away. The power of the third eye can manifest itself in different ways in different people, in some cases, it will allow us to “hear” and in others to see clearly in dreams.

The power of the third eye is very beneficial, regardless of whether we like what we see or not, the mind already has a lot of confusion, idealizations, expectations that lead us to distort real life and that the Ajna or third eye helps us to collapse in order to connect with the spiritual interior.

Make sure you always seek the truth peacefully, as having it active does not always guarantee total clarity, there are other elements such as fears that must be overcome in order to achieve total enlightenment. It is a long and difficult path, but dedication to spiritual peace always pays off.

And you, did you know what your third eye is? Do you put it into practice? Are you interested in activating it?