What is the Tarot de Marseille?

All people believe in something: be it in religions, in astrology, reiki, numerology, meditation or even in those people who consider teachers and, among these beliefs, one can mention the Marseille tarot.

And it is that although many people believe that they are a simple piece of cardboard, they are much more than letters. Some subjects place their faith and their hopes in what can be revealed from the Marseille tarot.

The tarot it has aroused the interest of different types of people over the decades: no matter the class, religion, or any label when it comes to linking with it. However, it has not been the same at all times.

Perhaps years ago it was linked to people related to witchcraft, healers and others. But, nowadays, it has become much more popular, opening this possibility so that any person, regardless of their age, can bond with the tarot.

What is tarot?

Before talking about the marseille tarotit is necessary to clarify that there are some erratic ideas that are around the tarot in generaland that has caused various questions from society and even fears when consulting it.

The important thing when making a print run or even starting in this practice is to have some clear questions. In principle the Tarot is not only predictive, but each one can use it in the way they feel is the right one.

There are people who used as a self-knowledge tool or to help people who carry out the consultation to discover what aspects of their life block them, what are their fears, problems and virtues.

Others do use it. like a prediction but in this case it is necessary to keep in mind that this does not mean that futurology is done through the letters. When speaking of predictive tarot, reference is made to the energy present at that moment of the consultation.

People ask questions related to issues that afflict or worry them, or simply that they want to know out of curiosity, and the consultant reads what they ask. present energies have to say at that time. That is why it is necessary to take into account the energy of the place where the spread is made, of the consultant and of the person interested in the consultation.

This implies that what is being read at the time of the print run will not necessarily be like that, but simply shows how the energies given at that time are for certain situations such as love, work, health. Everything will depend on how the person acts throughout the days and the energy that accompanies it.

Besides of marseille tarot, It is necessary to mention that it is not the only type chosen when it comes to throwing the cards and that each one will be able to select the one that is most suitable or with which they feel more attracted.

And it is that there are different types of deck that vary in the archetype, that is, in the figures represented in the cards, in addition to their authors and dates of creation. To mention a few, or the best known, there is also the Rider tarot, from the Spanish deck, or even the witch cards.

Tarot of Marseille

It is believed that the marseille tarot It is the oldest and therefore one of the best known and chosen when making a print run. However, as said before, each person will choose based on the one that attracts and inspires them the most.

Although its name is French, and it is said that it is named after the city in which the card designs were made, the truth is that the evidence of its existence was found in Italy.

The story goes that during an excavation in the surroundings of Milan the first letters were found with the characteristic design of the marseille tarot and, according to studies, dated 15th century, so it is said to be one of the oldest decks. This realizes for how many centuries have people been attracted to the tarot.

This deck, like others like Rider’s, It has 78 cards, of which 22 correspond to the major arcana, and 56 to the minor arcana. The first are linked to problems or issues that represent great concerns or secrets for people, while the second group are day-to-day problems.

Difference with the Rider Tarot

It is common for people who are just starting out in this tarot or who are interested in starting a course, do not know which deck to choose and what the differences are, given that there are several options.

Although, as mentioned above, there are different decks, perhaps the Rider is the second most used and chosen after Marseille tarot and also one of the most doubtful. What are the differences between both?

It must be said that in general, the clearest difference is not only in the authors of both decks, but in the archetype. The Rider drawings are much more colorful and current, while the Marseille design dates from the time it was made.

Therefore, when wanting to acquire a deck, the person must take into account which drawings are more inspired, which of them have more things to say and with which they feel more comfortable or attracted. This is going to be an ally when it comes to making a spread, so the cards must be those that the consultant believes are the most appropriate for his personality.

Tarot de Marseille: meaning of the cards


Among the 78 cards there are some that attract people’s attention, either because of their meaning, their colors or the simple fact that they are the ones that stick with them the most. Among them we can mention the major arcana, the madman.

Although the meaning of each card varies according to the context of the person, since it can be considered its positive, negative side and the questions to which the card invites, with the number 0, this card is special, since it is said to be like the spirit of a child.

His design shows this by seeing the position of the arcane: walking along a cliff, regardless of what he leaves behind, with a defiant attitude, and with a dog that accompanies him and tries to stop him.

In the tarot, the madman is related to freedom, the energy to undertake new projects but also with the escape from certain places in which the person no longer feels comfortable.

The appearance of this card can mean that the person has to be encouraged to what they want and have a freer spirit, without fear or ties, although also, On the negative side, it can represent that this subject believes he is an eternal child and that it is necessary for him to come down to earth and be more aware of his actions and not act so much on impulse..

What is certain, that the appearance of the crazy in the tarot invites you to ask yourself if what you are doing is really what you want, and what is the goal.

The star

Another of the letters that attract attention within the marseille tarot. It is often said that this card is one of the most positive, although as stated above, the meaning will vary depending on the context of the person to whom it has come out.

Already at first glance, and although the consultant is not an expert in the tarot, the star has striking colors, in which the woman appears naked, stripped of everything and with a large, bright, yellow star lighting her up.

However, this card, which has the number 17, is said to go hand in hand with the number 16, which is the tower, which implies cycle ends, or even problems that the person had to go through in order to reach that star, which is a moment of well-being.

In general, the star is a symbol of abundance, internal renewal, and a person who he is not afraid to show himself as he is and that he has personal security. The energies, according to this card, accompany to be able to do what the person wants and to meet the stipulated goals.

It is a period of fertility, but not only linked to pregnancy issues, but also a fertile field for everything that the subject decides to do.

You already know the meaning of the Tarot de Marseille and the differences with others. Which one would you choose?