Have you ever heard of the scam? Well, it is a small gland that is located at the entrance to the thorax, in the center of your chest, behind the sternum.
“Thýmos”, in Greek, means vital energy. And this explains its function. The thymus is part of our immune system, which protects us against disease. What is your function? Produce T lymphocytes, cells that defend us by attacking other foreign cells and bacteria.
In addition, different investigations have shown that the thymus is influenced by emotional states. That’s why some call it “the gland of happiness”. It has been proven that when we are happy, it grows and when we are stressed, it shrinks. In fact, an intense negative emotional charge can decrease your capacity by up to 50%. It is not strange, then, that when we are sad we are more susceptible to getting sick.
But the body does not distinguish which emotions are “real” and which are created by our own mind. For this reason, positive and negative thoughts can help or hinder the functioning of the thymus and, therefore, of the entire immune system.
How to stimulate the gland of happiness
Our defenses are not always in balance. that’s why you can help stimulate the thymus every morning doing something very simple. Sit in a comfortable position, close your hands into a fist and pat yourself like Tarzan. Yes! In the center of the chest!
Accompany the movements with your breath. You can inhale giving a more intense tap and exhale giving yourself two or three softer ones, like setting a rhythm.
Do these exercises for three to five minutes, calmly, noticing the vibration that occurs in your chest and resonates throughout your body.
By activating the thymus you can increase your sense of well-being and happiness, gain strength and health.
Will you start practicing this exercise? Tell us!
Important: It should be clarified that Bioguía does not give medical advice or prescribe the use of techniques as a form of treatment for physical or mental problems without the advice of a doctor, either directly or indirectly. In the case of applying any information on this site for this purpose, Bioguía does not assume responsibility for these acts. The site is intended only to provide information of a general nature to aid in the pursuit of personal growth and development.
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