What is Resignation – Definition of the Concept

Definition of


Resignation is a concept that refers to the resignation or to abandonment of a employmenta charge, a commission, etc. The term originates from the Latin word resigned. For example: “The manager did not take well the resignation of Dr. Lurezzo”, “The people gathered in the main square to demand the resignation of the mayor”, “The coach’s resignation surprised the players”.

Upon resigning, one person is making a unilateral act: who holds the position, decides to resign from it. In this way, the resignation differs from a dismissal, where an authority or a hierarchical superior forces the person to leave his position.

In everyday life, however, there are resignations that are not unilateral but consensual. The technical director of a team of basketball You can meet with the managers of your club after a series of defeats. In the talk, all parties agree that it is best for the coach to step aside, given the impossibility of reversing the situation and to avoid further discomfort among supporters. The DT, therefore, decides to present his resignation.

There are even cases in which the resignation is required by a authority, which is similar to dismissal but has different legal consequences (by resigning, a person does not receive compensation). The president of a country is not satisfied with the task of the Minister of Economy. This minister, moreover, usually makes statements to the press that are not to the liking of the highest president. Faced with this situation, the president asked the minister to resign.

Tips for writing a resignation letter

Often people decide to quit their job because of problems with their superiors; among the most common causes are non-compliance with any of the conditions (such as late payment, non-payment for overtime worked and the requirement to perform overtime as if it were an obligation of the employee), the abuse of power (which can include sexual harassment and mistreatment in front of the rest of the workers with the intention of humiliating the employee) and the lack of gratitude or recognition for the efforts made.

No one is forced to put up with any kind of mistreatment by a boss, and in the same way it is not healthy to keep your frustration to yourself and spare others the bad taste of hearing a series of well-deserved reproaches. However, working life is not like friendships or relationships; a resignation that includes shouting and threats can have repercussions on the professional future of the person resigning, which is why it is very important to stay within the limits of sanity and good manners, even if at the time it does not seem like the fairest decision.

If the resignation occurs due to serious relationship problems with colleagues or superiors, the letter can include them without using offensive language, but trying to describe the negative situations in an objective way, so that resignation seems the only way logical.

In any case, it never hurts to mention “how much we have learned throughout our time at the company” and “how much it hurts us to see ourselves forced to make the decision to leave”, which generates the overlap of two situations opposite: it places us above the problem, since we are able to express ourselves in a cordial way, and points out that the problem is bigger than us and that it pushes us to abandon our position, for which reason we are not the ones who coldly decide to leave.