What is Recovery – Definition of the Concept

Definition of


Recovery (from Latin recovered) is the action and effect of recovering or recovering (to return to oneself or to a state of normality, to take back what one had before, to compensate).

Recovery, therefore, can be linked to the process that a person must go through after a disease either injury to return to normal. During his recovery, the subject must comply with medical instructions, which may include rest, medication intake or physical exercise, as the case may be.

For example: “The striker tries to speed up his recovery times to return to the courts before the end of the tournament”, “The victim is out of danger, but the recovery will be extensive”, “As part of my recovery, I have to attend therapy twice a week”.

Article Topics

  • Recovery as getting back what was lost
  • Other uses of the concept
  • Recovery of historical memory

Recovery as getting back what was lost

Another use of the concept refers to re-acquire what was had at some previous time and which, for various reasons, had been lost: “The recovery of the stolen jewels required a major police operation”, “The Government assured that it will do everything possible to achieve the recovery of the museum pieces”.

In this sense, we could talk about the driver’s license point recovery. And it is that, in many countries, each driver is awarded a series of points, which he will lose when he receives fines and other sanctions for violations committed against road safety.

This will mean that in order to return to having the same number of points as at the beginning, that when he obtained the card, he will be forced to carry out a series of training courses, where he will become aware of the importance of respecting the rules of circulation and the danger that skipping them entails, both for him and for the rest of the drivers and pedestrians.

In this way, when taking this course you will obtain a certificate that you will present to the relevant administration and that will allow you to recover the points to be able to circulate in full compliance with the law.

It can help you: Road safety

Other uses of the concept

The data recovery either recover of information consists of putting back into operation digital files that had been deleted from a computer either system.

At the school level, recovery is associated with the need to pass a subject either subject who has failed in previous exams: “Chemical recovery will be very complicated”, “If I fail to recover two subjects, I will have to repeat the year”.

See also: Truancy

Recovery of historical memory

In the same way, there are various entities and organizations that use the term at hand to name themselves. Thus, for example, in Spain there is the Association for the Recovery of Historical Memory (ARMH), whose clear objective is to work for a real democracy to exist.

Specifically, the members of that group are trying to get justice for all those men and women who were murdered during the Civil War and the Franco regime for their republican ideas and whose relatives still do not know where they are buried. In this way, they seek to put each one in their place and that the victims can be dignified.

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