What is Providence – Definition of the Concept

Definition of


The Latin word providentia came to our language as providence. The term refers to what is available in advance or that allows reaching a certain goal. In general, the concept refers to what concedes a divinity (in this case, it is written with an initial capital letter: Providence).

The Divine Providencein this sense, is the action of God and the resources that it gives to human beings so that they can subsist and develop. For example: “We had many problems, but we managed to get ahead thanks to Providence”, “After the drought, we can only appeal to Divine Providence to feed our children”.

In other words, Divine Providence speaks of the superiority of God and the need that human beings have of their existence so that He provides them with the necessary tools to lead a full life. Although Catholicism does not contemplate direct intervention in people’s lives, it does not deny its influence, its inspiration and its messages. To be a recipient of Divine Providence, a religious inclination is not necessary, but enough openness to perceive and take advantage of it.

Article Topics

  • Divine Providence according to philosophy
  • The concept in literature and law
  • Places called Providence
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Divine Providence according to philosophy

Plato, one of the most renowned Greek philosophers, who had Socrates as a teacher and Aristotle as a student, spoke of Divine Providence in his work entitled «Laws«, which consists of a «Argument» and twelve books. For his part, Saint Augustine (one of the main thinkers of Christianity, also known as Augustine of Hippo), picked up this idea from Plato to mention the existence of this bond between God and his people, in the eighth book of his work entitled «the city of god«, divided into 22 books.

Continuing with the concept within the limits of Christianity, the Syrian writer and theologian John Damascene defined Divine Providence as the care that God provides to his creationsand also the series of rules and norms that he bequeathed to them so that they could lead a straight and just life. All this is found in the famous book of his entitled «exact exposure of the faith orthodox«.

Regarding the iconography of Divine Providence, one of the ancient representations showed an old man holding a horn in one hand (The horn of plenty) and a stick in the other, with which he pointed to our planet while he stared at it.

It can serve you: Patristic

The concept in literature and law

In the field of literature, outside the context of religion, Divine providence can be a real person who exerts influence in the different events of history. Although it can be compared to the deus ex machina of the Greek theater (an external element that appears to solve a problem ignoring the internal logic of the story), generally impacts the development to a lesser extent, or in a not so immediate and specific way.

In the field of rightprovidence is a court decision that allows establishing the material order of a dispute. This act carried out by a court enables the resolution of a request from a party or establishes compliance with a certain measure.

See also: Resolution

Places called Providence

Providencia is also the name of numerous administrative entities in different countries. a commune of Santiagoin Chilihas the name of Providence: just over 130,000 people live there and there are attractions such as the Falabella Palacehome The chascona (in which the poet lived Pablo Neruda) and the Church of Our Lady of Divine Providence.

In Colombia, Providence is a municipality in the department of Narino and a corregimiento of the municipality of San Roque. Providence It is also a district of the province of luyain it territory From Peru.

Argentina, Bahamas, Spain and Venezuela are other countries that have certain places named as Providence.

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