What is Prostitute – Definition of the Concept

Definition of


The women that offers sexual services in exchange for a payment receives the name of prostitute. This means that prostitutes exercise the prostitutionname by which the activity that consists of maintaining intimate relationships with clients who pay for this service is known.

Prostitutes can develop their activity in different ways. There are women who handle themselves independently, showing their body in different places to attract customers. Others work under the orders of a procurer.

Sometimes prostitutes work inside brothels. These venues have spaces where women dance or display themselves to seduce men with whom, once contracting the service is agreed, they go to a private sector to have sexual relations.

The employment and legal status of prostitutes varies from country to country. In some European nations, prostitution is an activity recognized and regulated by the State: prostitutes, thus, must pay taxes and they have a social coverage.

In other countries, on the other hand, hiring the services of a prostitute constitutes a crime, an issue that implies a virtual persecution of the prostitutes, even when they themselves are not accused. It is also frequent that procuring be considered a crime.

It is important to highlight the difference between the adult woman who, for own will, becomes a prostitute, and one who is forced to practice prostitution. In the first case, some find an act of freedom by the woman, even when her body appears turned into a commodity. In the second case, the prostitutes are victims of a trafficking network.

The grid Trafficking is an activity that consists of profiting from the exploitation of people, generally for sexual purposes, although it also includes forced labor, organ removal and servitude. It is a perverse and complex part of society, which thrives on constant work and the combination of various forces to keep their actions under a veil. This does not mean that it is not possible to spot its presence on the street, but rather that those who could do something to eradicate it refuse to act, to keep their interests safe.

For an innocent person to go from leading a free life to suffering the sentence of belonging to a trafficking network, there is a sequence of well-defined events that these organizations must comply with pinpoint precision, to ensure that they erase as many traces as possible and carry out their twisted business without risk to be discovered.

There are many stories of young women who, for different reasons, fall into the clutches of a trafficking network and become prostitutes without looking for it. The society usually despises the figure of the prostitute, but in most cases they do not have enough information to make a judgment: regardless of the moral issues that each one may discuss regarding the fact of selling one’s own body, it is important to consider that many of these women are victimsThey do not lead that life of their own free will.

far from any prejudice old-fashioned and uninformed, a prostitute doing the bidding of a pimp does not lead a life filled with pleasure, but must endure all manner of abuse and work long hours, enduring disgust for her clients and powerlessness for her clients. can’t escape from that hell. As if all this were not enough, it is common for the networks to decide to sterilize their prostitutes, to avoid by all means that they become pregnant. As absurd as it may seem, they are singled out for being women and then deprived of what makes them women: the ability to carry life within.