What is Progress – Definition of the Concept

Definition of


He progress consists of a developmenta improvement or a Advance. The term, which comes from the Latin progressusindicates that something is heading forwardwhether symbolically, temporarily or physically.

For example: “It had been four years since I visited the province: the progress achieved is worthy of admiration”, “In this country, effort does not always translate into progress”, “The team started the tournament in excellent shape but, as the championship progressed, it deflated”.

The habitual thing is to associate the progress to the human development. It is understood, in this sense, that progress implies an improvement in the living conditions of the people. The individuals who progress, therefore, are those who achieve professional growth and who have the necessary resources to satisfy their basic needs and obtain new comforts.

Improve access to healtheducation and work, improving the infrastructure of cities, reducing the level of pollution, maintaining the cleanliness of public spaces and guaranteeing security are just some of the issues to be taken into account so that a given region can progress.

What is meant by progress, however, can vary. For the religion, progress can be associated with directing existence in tune with divine designs. Politics and economics, on the other hand, link progress to social development. A worker, for his part, can understand progress as professional growth.

Whatever the area in which the discussion focuses, achieving progress depends on a number of factors that are often overlooked. Progress and failure are very broad concepts, to the point that the same situation can be classified in both ways according to the observer’s appreciation; For example, selling 100 units of a product may seem like a failure from the point of view of an international market, but quite an achievement for a small company made up of two people who make their items by hand.

One of the fundamental secrets of progress is the commitment with the path chosen: we cannot expect constant and significant progress unless we fully dedicate ourselves to the pursuit of our goals. Perseverance and absolute dedication are essential to advance in life; Whether we are talking about the work or sentimental plane, positive results are never eternal, but must be understood as a point on a line, a milestone in an infinite line.

For such a commitment to exist, it is necessary feel comfortable with one’s life. This is more difficult to achieve than dedication, and that is why the current reality of the human being is usually characterized by such a high level of dissatisfaction. Why focus all our energies on an activity that does not interest us or that does not interest us? passionate? Barring a couple of extreme cases, there is no entirely convincing answer, since it is almost always possible alter course.

Once we are on the path we really want to travel and seriously commit to pursuing progress, there is another factor that can determine our success: know how to accept our mistakes. Most of the people who go far in life, in any field, are characterized by humility, by open-mindedness, by being willing to bow their heads, admit their faults and correct them, instead of denying them and letting themselves drown in fear. pride.

Progress, finally, is the name of several localities. There is a city of cannelloni (Uruguay), a town of Santa Fe (Argentina) and a corregimiento of chiriqui (Panama), elsewhere, which share this designation.