Definition of
A pillar is an object that allows hold or hold something. It may therefore be a kind of column that contributes to the maintenance of a structure. For example: “The pillar broke in the middle and the vehicles did not take long to rush”, “To build the bridge, it is necessary to erect at least six pillars”, “We are going to install the machine on a concrete pillar”.
By extension to this meaningthe concept of pillar is also used to name the individual who provides moral support to another or that offers its protection and shelter: “I could not have done this without you: you are my pillar”, “When I got sick, I was lucky to have a very important pillar like my wife to fight for my recovery”, “Since my father passed away, I have no pillar to cling to to get through the bad times”.
Pillaron the other hand, is a name of women quite popular in Spain and in Latin American countries. It is possible to mention the actress Pilar Barden and the model and television presenter pilar rubioamong other celebrities.
Pilar as a name, it must be said that it is of Castilian origin and that it comes specifically from the aforementioned Virgen del Pilar. Its name day is celebrated on October 12 and is attributed to women who are characterized by being independent, charming, devoted to love and, above all, very familiar.
Precisely in Spain is the Cathedral Basilica of Nuestra Señora del Pilar. In Zaragoza it is specifically where this temple is located where the Virgen del Pilar is venerated and where a pillar is preserved, a jasper column, which according to the story was placed by the Mother of Jesus to appear to the Apostle Santiago.
The size of this image is late-Gothic and was made in 1435 by Juan de la Huerta. It measures approximately 38 centimeters and is the axis of the well-known Fiestas del Pilar that are celebrated every year in October in the Aragonese city.
Also, other famous women with this name are the following:
-Pilar López de Ayala, Spanish actress known for her leading roles in films such as “Juana la Loca”, by Vicente Aranda.
-Pilar Sordo, Chilean writer and psychologist specializing in topics such as sex, family or love.
-Pilar Miró, late Spanish film director who has bequeathed us such interesting feature films as “El perro del manteau”.
In Argentina, Pillar It is the denomination of a town that is located a little more than fifty kilometers from the Federal capital. Its natural environment and some historical buildings constitute its main tourist attractions.
It should not be overlooked that this word is also used to shape the term pillar of the soft palate. This is each of the folds that exist in the aforementioned palate of the mouth and that joins that with what is the larynx.
Within the scope of rugby, there is a position known as a pillar. Each equipment of fifteen players it has two pillars, which are located on the sides of the hooker and which are part of the first line of the scrum.