What is Oak – Definition of the Concept

Definition of


Oak It is the name given to different trees belonging to the family fagaceaeespecially to those species of the gender quercus. In some cases, however, trees of the family are called oak nothofagaceae.

Oaks are generally trees of thick trunk and height greater than twenty meters. They have large branches with evergreen leaves and bitter-tasting fruits. The main characteristic of oak is the hardness of its wood.

The value of your wood for the construction sector and the beauty of these trees make oak one of the most appreciated species by the human being. In fact, the notion of oak is often used symbolically to refer to a man of great strength, either physical or spiritual. For example: “Grandpa has been hospitalized for a week, but I’m sure he’s going to get by: he’s an oak tree”, “The Uruguayan striker is an oak: despite the hard blow he suffered in the first half, he kept playing”, “I don’t care about attacks and offenses, I am an oak tree that no false accusation will bring down”.

It is known as common oak to the Quercus robura tree found in Europe and in the west of Asia. The common oak is usually located in land up to 1,000 meters above sea level, with an oceanic climate and cool soil.

In addition to these data, it is worth knowing other equally interesting information about the so-called common oak, such as these:

-Its growth is slow, so much so that it may be increasing until it is 200 years old.

-The best known worldwide is, without a doubt, that of Guernica, who died in the 19th century after having managed to survive 1,000 years.

-Its roots have the quality that they can go deep up to 1.5 meters.

-It can perfectly exceed 40 meters in height.

-In Spain there are many corners of its geography where it is easy to find oak trees. Specifically, we are referring to provinces such as León, Palencia or Huesca as well as autonomous communities such as Galicia, the Basque Country and Catalonia.

-Basically we can determine that the common oak is divided into three subspecies such as: the estremadurensis, which has the thinnest leaves and is found in Portugal; the robur, which is located in the lands of Galicia; and the broteroana, which achieves domes between 18 and 23 millimeters and is present in places in the northwest of Spain.

Of the aforementioned Guernica oak, we can highlight that it was located in front of what was the town’s Assembly House and that it is considered that it came to represent the traditional liberties of the Basque Country. The original one, “the Father”, lived until 1742, to be replaced by “the Old Man” who remained perfect until his death, in 1892. From that moment on, his sons have been placing themselves in the place and replacing him at different times. .

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