What is mobile marketing?

You no longer have an excuse: If mobile is not the center of your digital marketing strategy, it’s time to renew or die.

Since Google confirmed in 2015 that mobile traffic had surpassed desktop traffic for the first time, these devices have continued to become an increasingly essential part of our daily lives.

The mobile application market has already reached maturity, and users are ready for the mobile marketing. So that you can join this trend and boost your brand, today I want to tell you What is mobile marketing, what are the tools it uses and how you can use it to get more conversions.

What is mobile marketing?

Mobile marketing or mobile marketing consists of a set of techniques and formats to promote products and services, which uses mobile devices as a communication tool.

Its great differentiation is that it manages to open a personal channel between the advertiser and its audience, since it offers great possibilities for personalization.

In recent years, the popularization of smartphones has changed the way we access information and, with it, our consumption habits. Thanks to this, a new way of understanding marketingto the point that many authors consider that mobile advertising represents a paradigm shift and not just an update.

Just a few years ago, mobile marketing was considered a complement to other digital marketing strategies designed for desktop computers. But today, this trend has reversed and mobile is king.

To better understand its importance, just take a look at these data on the importance of mobile advertising in 2016according to IAB Spain:

  • 94% of the Spanish Internet population between 16 and 65 years old has a mobile phone, and of these, 97% are smartphones. This represents a market of 21.5 million people.
  • The average daily connection time is 2 hours and 34 minutes for smartphones and 1 hour and 19 minutes for tablets.
  • On average, mobile users download 2 applications per month, have 17.8 installed and regularly use 9.1.
  • One in three mobile phone users frequently uses it as a “second screen” in combination with television.
  • 9 out of 10 smartphone users have used it at some point in the purchasing process (especially those between 16 and 45 years old).
  • 4 in 10 have used mobile commerce.
  • The main obstacles to purchasing from mobile phones are preferring a larger screen (61%) or lack of trust (33%).

The main tools of mobile marketing

Let’s take a look at the main mobile advertising tools and some recommendations to integrate them into your strategy.

1# Mobile searches

Mobile search results are different from desktop search results, and Google has already announced its intention to make the mobile index the main one soon. Therefore, it is essential to apply a specific mobile SEO strategy.

When optimizing your website for mobile, I recommend that you keep the following tips in mind:

  • The mobile user does not read as much as the one who searches from a desktop browser, so remember the saying: good things, if brief, are twice as good…
  • Our patience is also more limited when it comes to mobile usage, so make sure you get good loading times.
  • And of course, prioritize responsive design and usability. The size of the buttons is very important.

2# Mobile ads

Traditional banners are increasingly causing more rejection, and mobiles are no stranger to the rise of advertising blockers. Therefore, it is important to use formats that are less intrusive and provide a better experience, such as interactive ads, animated banners and videos.

3# Mobile applications

Mobile phone users have already fully integrated apps into their lives, as the data from the previous point shows. A branded app, therefore, can be a fantastic investment to increase interaction and improve the user experience. Of course, always make sure that it is accompanied by an app marketing strategy that is as complete as possible. Design is only half the job.

4# Coupons

Discount coupons are one of the “old-fashioned” marketing strategies but, thanks to mobile phones, they have been completely revolutionized.

Now, discounts accompany users in their pockets, increasing the chances of conversion. We also have the possibility of sending personalized offers with the help of the user’s location and other data, which increases their relevance. And if you want to give them the ultimate twist, ephemeral coupons with Snapchat-type applications are great for taking advantage of the sense of urgency.

5# Email marketing

One of the main functions for which users use their mobile phones is to check email. Thanks to this, techniques based on email marketing are more fashionable than ever. Of course, if you decide to use them, don’t forget about responsive templates.

6# Geolocation

Geolocation is one of those aspects in which mobile marketing has completely revolutionized our way of understanding advertising. And now we can offer users offers and promotions depending on the physical context in which they are.

On the other hand, location-based mobile platforms offer users the possibility of sharing content associated with a space. The latest digital outdoor advertising formats also open the door to new ways to encourage interaction.

7# Text and multimedia messages

Text messages were the first tool used in mobile marketing, but they are still present and effective in delivering promotions and information to your users, so don’t forget about them.

10 tricks to convert more with your mobile marketing campaigns

  1. Responsive, responsive, responsive. I have already said it, but I think it is worth repeating: a responsive design is essential to succeed in your marketing campaigns. Remember that you will not only have to adapt your website, but also the rest of your promotional materials.
  2. Improve the navigability of your site. If you want to increase your conversion rate, the user experience on your site is key. And to do this, my recommendation is that you prioritize navigability. Details as simple as including a fully navigable menu and footer can make the difference between a purchase or a user leaving the page in frustration. And of course, call-to-action buttons and links must be fully mobile-friendly.
  3. Create your own application. And when designing it, ask yourself why users should download it… and continue using it six months later.
  4. Don’t forget about desktop computers. It may seem contradictory after everything I have told you in this article, but “regular” computers still have their place in marketing plans. These devices are still widely used for pre-purchase research and when users want to review content in depth.
  5. Adapt your content to the preferences of mobile users. When we are away from home, our needs when searching for content are different. Maybe we don’t stop to read 3000 words, but rather we need quick solutions. Also, of course, we have limited screen space. So get to the point and use short titles.
  6. Register your business on Google My Business. If you want users to visit your store, you will have to appear when they search for you. And for that, you need your business to appear on the maps. It is a very simple process and will immediately improve your traffic from search engines.
  7. Add a personal touch. In a world full of content, users need to know that you think about them. Some quick tricks to get closer to your audience: identify the particular needs of each client, use images and videos, use storytelling and create characters for your brand.
  8. Include social networks in your strategy. Today, most social interactions occur from mobile devices. And what’s more, social networks exclusively for mobile use, such as Instagram or Snapchat, are taking users by storm. So you have no excuse to forget about them in your mobile marketing.
  9. Combine different channels in your campaigns. You don’t have to limit yourself to a single tool, since they can all be complementary. It’s about reaching each user in their favorite way and offering an integrated experience, without being overwhelming. So when planning your campaigns, think about different mobile media to connect with users.
  10. Follow the results in real time. Nowadays you have a lot of metrics and analytics systems at your fingertips so use them! And if you really want to optimize your campaigns, use A/B tests.