What is Esoteric – Definition of the Concept

Definition of


The first necessary step that must be taken to know the meaning of the term esoteric is to discover its etymological origin. In this case we can point out that it is a word that comes from the Greek, it is exactly the result of the sum of several lexical components of it, such as the following:

-The adverb “that”, which can be translated as “inside”.

-The comparative suffix “teros”.

-The suffix “-ikos”, which is used to indicate “relative to”.

This adjective is used to qualify what is veiled, confidential or hidden.

Article Topics

  • esoteric concept
  • Issues that are difficult to understand or access
  • Knowledge and esoteric movements
  • Tarot, astrology and magic
  • esoteric shops
  • Related Topics Tree

esoteric concept

The esoteric, therefore, is something that is difficult to understand since accessing its essence is complicated. When the term is applied to a doctrineAlludes to knowledge that is transmitted only to disciples or followers who are initiated into the matter in question.

In general, esotericism alludes to a set of practicesrituals and knowledge that are secrets and that they are only shared and transmitted among a minority. Those who are not part of that group lack access to the esoteric.

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Issues that are difficult to understand or access

In the same way, we have to underline the existence of what is known as esoteric themes that are framed within the aforementioned practices and rituals. Specifically, among the most significant are from karma to the spiritual philosophy that responds to the name of Wiccan Magic through regressions, clairvoyance or even fortune telling.

However, another relevant topic of this type is the so-called Kabbalah, which is a mystical type of wisdom that has been associated with Judaism.

See also: Messianic

Knowledge and esoteric movements

To understand esoteric knowledge, in short, one must reach a certain degree of initiation. The calls occult sciencesfor example, are esoteric: they are not based on the scientific method nor can its postulates be verified through empirical demonstrations.

The masonry It is usually pointed out as an esoteric movement because those who are not Freemasons do not have access to their rites and acts. The doctrine, in this way, is hidden before the rest of the society.

Continue on: Exact sciences

Tarot, astrology and magic

Certain esoteric disciplines, such as tarot and the astrologyThey have ended up integrating into Western culture. Their knowledge and practices, within this framework, are marketed and offered to the entire community.

until the Magic, an esoteric art in its beginnings, became a show. We no longer talk about magicians, but about illusionists who star in a show.

See also: Western

esoteric shops

At present there are many stores that are specialized in the field of esotericism. And in them you can buy products as varied as candles of different colors, holy water, incense, amulets against negative energies, items against the evil eye…

Finally, it is important to establish that esoteric must be differentiated from the word exoteric. In this case, this is used to refer to what are very simple and simple philosophies that everyone, even those outside of them and their study, can understand.

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