What is celebrated on Holy Thursday and what does it mean –

We now celebrate Holy Week, so they are days full of liturgy in which the Passion of Christ, his death and also his resurrection are mainly remembered or commemorated. One of the days that stands out the most is Holy Thursday, which anticipates the death of Jesus Christ on the cross, so we want to explain it to you now in detail what is celebrated on Holy Thursday and what it means.

In the Christian religion, Holy Thursday belongs, as we have already told you, to Holy Week, whose beginning coincides with the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem commemorated in the celebration of Palm Sunday.

What is celebrated on Holy Thursday and what does it mean?

With the denomination of Holy Thursday in almost all Christian denominations, refers to the Thursday before Easter Sunday.

This holiday is considered a moving anniversary. This is because it is connected, as mentioned, to Easter Sunday whose date, as we know, varies from year to year. Although this always falls in the months of March or April, in general, Holy Week as well as Easter are not celebrated on the same date for all Christian denominations. This year, for example, it is celebrated on Thursday, April 9.

Meaning of Holy Thursday

Holy Thursday alludes to the moment in which Jesus surrounded by the twelve apostles, took the so-called “Holy supper”, Also known as the “Last Supper.” Saint Paul and the evangelists Mark, Luke, and Matthew recount the accounts of the Last Supper during which, taking the bread and wine, Christ gives thanks and offers his Body and Blood for the salvation of men.

During this dinner Jesus will kneel before each of his disciples and wash their feet.. Holy Thursday (April 9, 2020) is the Thursday before Easter. On this day, Christians thus commemorate the Last Supper, which is also the meal in which Jesus blessed the bread and wine for the first time. Therefore, Jesus meant that he offered his body and blood for the salvation of the world as we have mentioned. Christians also remember that Jesus washed the feet of his apostles, inviting them to become servants of others.

Also after this dinner, Christ goes to the Garden of Olives (Gethsemane), with the apostles to look and pray. It’s a night of worshipthe faithful unite with the prayer of Christ that night, watching over the Blessed Sacrament (the bread and wine consecrated during mass) until late at night. It is the night that Jesus is caught after the betrayal of Judas (with a kiss as a signal to the Sanhedrin police), and imprisoned before being sentenced to death.

Holy Thursday processions

In addition to the liturgical celebrations of Holy Thursday at mass or in church, it is important to remember that in Spain they celebrate Holy Week processions that stand out in a special way on days such as Holy Thursday.

Thus, Spain experiences solemn processions during the night of Holy Thursday, such as the Procession of Silence, which is held in Cartagena and that is characterized by being a mourning procession in which the music does not play and there is no light. It is only illuminated with candles and the penitents’ hoods and the sound of muted drums sounds.

Another outstanding Holy Thursday procession is that of Murcia with the Procession of Solitude and its three steps, that of Hellín (Albacete) which also has its procession of Silence or that of Cuenca in which the image of the Holy Christ of Mercy is taken.

Holy Thursday religious service

As we have said, Holy Thursday does not fall on the same day for all Christian denominations. The ceremony that takes place during Holy Thursday services is divided into two parts.

The first is the chrism mass with the blessing of the oils, with the priests reaffirming their promises with the bishop; the other is the mass in Cœna Dominiwhat includes the most important ritual of the day, the washing of the feet.

this ceremony remember the episode that we told you about before, when Jesus, during the last supper, got up from the table and took off his clothes.

Then he wrapped a towel around his waist and lHe washed the feet of the apostles with a container full of water. In ancient times, a priest washed the feet of some homeless people or pilgrims.

In Europe, Holy Week is celebrated although not in the same way as in Spain (we are referring above all to the processions), but in the past, some British rulers also carried out this rite of washing the feet. Henry VIII washed the feet of the poor and Queen Elizabeth once did the same. First, however, he ordered the servants to wash the beggar’s feet with scented water.

Secondly, the church is also on this day in the prayer vigil, remembering the sufferings initiated by Jesus tonight. The temples are filled with mourning and sadness, stripping the altars, removing all the decorations, mantles, flowers, candles, everything to symbolize that Jesus is already imprisoned and aware of what is going to happen. The Blessed Sacrament is also moved to a separate place, without access by the faithful, remembering the death of Jesus.

Holy Thursday is, as we have mentioned, one of the most important days of Holy Week, but it is not the only one. That’s why we want offer you all the dates within the Easter 2020 calendar.


  • Palm Sunday – April 5, 2020
  • Holy Monday – April 6, 2020
  • Holy Tuesday – April 7, 2020
  • Holy Wednesday – April 8, 2020
  • Holy Thursday – April 9, 2020
  • Good Friday – April 10, 2020
  • Holy Saturday – April 11, 2020
  • Easter Sunday – April 12, 2019
  • Easter Monday – April 13, 2019