What happens in the ocean at night?

Note by Martina Álvarez
Instagram @martinaalvarezmar

I was always curious and at the same time a little scared to think of the sea at night. The first time I did a night dive was in Mexico. I got on the boat at sunset, just before dark. When we arrived at the dive site, the night overtook us and there was no light left except that of the stars.

I entered the Caribbean waters breathing hard and the flashlight firmly in my hand. The image of each person with a light in their hand floating on the bottom of the dark sea gave the idea of ​​an expedition and increased the adrenaline. At first I couldn’t see anything, but as I descended my eyes got used to the darkness of the sea and I found an incredible place.

I knew that reef but at night it seemed like a new place. The colors are better appreciated with the flashlight because they are not lost with the blue of the ocean but contrast with the darkness. There are small algae and animals that are attracted to the light and follow it without being intimidated. After repeating the experience several times, she confirmed that at night everything has a different perspective.

It is amazing how the behaviors of animals change. When the sun goes down, just like us, some fish sleep and rest, but others are active because it is hunting time. You can see the crabs moving from side to side with their claws open looking for something to eat.

Finding an octopus is a great night show. It is incredible to see them crawl with their 8 tentacles and even more so if they are found hunting or feeding on crustaceans. They are animals that generally take refuge during the day in their caves.

(Watch the octopus feeding at night – Video by @blue.heart.gal)

The most magical thing about the ocean at night is bioluminescence, when fluorescent lights appear. During a dive this happens when we all turn off our flashlights somewhere in the sand, kneel down and start waving our arms to stir microscopic seaweed that produces its own light.

The ocean looks black and begins to light up by sparks of light that dance alone. Some say that the image could resemble a northern lights but in the sea. Bioluminescence is a natural phenomenon that can also occur in other places, for example lakes, and with some terrestrial organisms such as fungi or fireflies.

The full moon from the sea is also a great thing. Rays of moonlight can be seen passing through the water and illuminating the bottom. If your eyes get used to it, you may not need a flashlight (although you should always have it just in case).

The peace that is felt at night is greater than that of the day. There are no noises from boat engines around and you get lost in the silence of the sea. The most beautiful thing happens when the dive ends, not only because of the smile with which we leave after discovering that nocturnal world, but also because we float looking at the stars from the surface of the ocean waiting for the ship to come looking for us.

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