What are the types of pregnancy bellies out there?

The shape that has the belly It will always depend on height, body structure, the length of the torso, the width of the pelvis and other kinds of factors. Each of these will make each pregnancy completely unique. Therefore, today we tell you: What are the types of pregnancy bellies out there?

Types of pregnancy bellies

For those of you who don’t know, there are companies that make fake baby bumps that mimic the shape of a real one. Various factors are what make each one acquire a particularly unique shape. However, there are generally three types of pregnant belly or ways of carrying the pregnancy that are totally normal.

round shaped tummy

If the belly has growth to the sides and at the same time forward, it is certain that the belly has a round shape. Often this belly in pregnancy is caused by the baby being positioned horizontally. As if lying towards the bottom of the uterus. The weight of the mother’s body and the size of the abdominal area before the pregnancy occurs, could also influence the way the belly grows.

pointed belly

The pointed shape is traditionally believed to signify a male pregnant belly. This belly grows up and to the front, and usually the waist becomes a little wider. To make it a little better understood, it is quite similar to placing a soccer ball under the shirt.

When the belly has a pointed shape, it is possible that it produces some discomfort in the ribs, and it is also difficult to breathe. Discomfort like these usually go away when the pregnancy ends. If the belly takes this kind of shape, it is also often said that it is loaded with high pregnancy.

low belly

This type of paunch happens mostly in the hips and towards the front, putting a lot of pressure on the bladder. The more pregnancies a woman has, the higher the chances of her baby bump having a low shape. Something like this is because the muscles are going to stretch and not support the weight of the belly as much.

Towards the last days of pregnancy, it is quite common for the belly to drop as the baby prepares to be born. It will be quite a noticeable change because the baby’s head will fit into the pelvis and you will be able to feel the pressure it exerts.

Myths about the belly in pregnancy and its shape

Some women often wonder why I have a pregnant belly and I’m not. But to answer that question it is necessary to learn to differentiate fat from a pregnancy belly. It is common to hear in certain conversations that the pregnant belly of a boy has a pointed shape, while for a girl the shape will be round. Comments like these usually come from grandmothers and belong to the beliefs of popular tradition.

There are probably cases in which these beliefs have been true, but there is no scientific evidence that the shape of the belly during pregnancy influences the sex of the baby. Moreover, specialists emphasize that every pregnancy is completely unique and each belly has its own characteristics.

Following this, the fact of having a fairly large belly does not mean that the baby has a high weight or a larger size. In either case, it would rather be an indication that there is more than one baby inside the uterus. Even so, these are factors that must be identified by a doctor through the corresponding ultrasounds. Since that is the way to know what is behind that belly.

What factors determine if the belly is fat or pregnant?

Those who wonder how to know if it is a pregnancy belly or fat, should keep in mind some factors. Allowing to know all the characteristics that correspond to the belly of a pregnant woman or fat. Mainly pregnancy tests should be performed if you really want to learn how to know if my belly is pregnant or just fat.

In the event that the woman is pregnant, certain specific indicators must be taken into account, such as the following:

Gestation time: The number of weeks in the pregnancy will make it have a relatively large size. As time goes by, the baby will continue to grow and will need more space, and this causes the woman to have a more voluminous belly.

Amniotic fluid: In part, the size of the belly in pregnancy also depends on the amount of amniotic fluid it occupies. Towards the first months of pregnancy, the formation of the placenta and this substance could make the mother feel bulging or retain some fluid.

Abdominal wall: Those women who have firmer abdominal muscles tend to develop relatively small bellies. Something like this happens, since the wall of the abdomen is responsible for supporting the fetus. If, on the other hand, the abdomen is distended, or the woman has had some births, the belly usually grows much more.

Number of fetuses: If a single fetus develops during gestation, the belly will not be as large, but the size will be greater if several fetuses develop.

Position of the fetus: When the baby changes position, it is normal for the belly to also change its shape.

Number of pregnancies: A pregnancy belly will be much more noticeable after having had the first birth.

These are just some of the main factors that influence the size and shape of a pregnant belly. However, other characteristics could also generate some change in the belly.

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How to increase love for the body during pregnancy?

Painted pregnancy bellies are usually one of the activities that help appreciate the development of the baby during gestation. But there are women who get depressed about not regaining their curvaceous appearance after pregnancy. Beyond all the factors that influence appearance, the important thing is to follow a healthy diet both during pregnancy and postpartum.

Being well hydrated and following a meal schedule is just as important. On the other hand, personal care is of great importance. As well as knowing how to correctly differentiate between the belly of fat and pregnancy.

Some tips to appreciate the body could be to take advantage of the benefits that are obtained by consuming vitamins and various minerals at that stage. Allowing hair and skin to look healthier. Another good idea is to wear clothes that can adapt to this new figure. But the most important thing is to love and respect the body as it is.


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