What are the Numerical Sacred Codes and how to use them?

The Sacred Codes they are an emergency resource that The Divinity has reserved for the most difficult moments that you have to go through. They respond to mathematics from another dimension, and, basically, they are numbers that move certain energies.

By reciting a Holy Codealso called Agesta Codesthe energy of the one who is using it merges with that of the Being of Light that is being invoked, which results in the manifestation, that is, the granting of what is requested.

if you want the Numerical Sacred Codes in your life, you must understand that it is a resource that must be trusted, with the whole soul. These codes belong to the Kingdom of the Heart, and only work for those who vibrate in that sequence.

How to use the holy codes

Before I introduce you to some important Sacred Codes that will allow you to meet your goals, you must know how to use them.

An auspicious time and place

First of all, as has already been said, you must concentrate, put all the energy of your heart in the recitation of the codeand fully trust him. For this, it is important to find the time and place to activate a sacred code.

It is best to find a space where you can be in solitude and tranquility for a while and where you feel comfortable (for example, it is no use seeking solitude locked in the closet).

The moment of activation of the sacred codes it must be a very special moment: add candles, incense, relaxing music or anything that helps you focus.

Affirmative sentences

Now you should know that, for them to work, you must repeat the Holy Code exactly 45 times: not one more, not one less.

Therefore, before starting, you can prepare 45 affirmative sentences in relation to the objective you want to achieve. For example, “the angels protect me”, “in me is the possibility of fulfilling my objectives”, etc.

If you have a spiritual teacher, you can ask him for help at this point.

code activation

Now yes, with everything ready, it’s time to activate the code. So that you don’t lose count while you pronounce the sacred code, you can wear a necklace with 45 beadsor even a string with 45 knots (which fulfills a function identical to the Christian rosary, for example).

Recite the Holy Code holding the first bead, and go to the second when you repeat it a second time. So on until the necklace or cord is finished. If you prepared the affirmative sentences, say one before saying the code.

Divine justice protects me” 858, “The angels are my guardians” 858, etc.

You can say the code mentally or by using your voice. The important thing is that you feel the vibration that number generates in your soul (at first, it may be easier if you say it out loud).

You can recite the number as you find most comfortable. For example, the number 123 can be said all at once (one hundred and twenty-three), number by number (one, two, three), or, if it is a longer number, it can be recited two by two or three by three. The important thing is that it comes from the soul.

After reciting the Sacred Codes, it is important to thank the Divinity for having allowed us to vibrate on that frequency.

List of Sacred Codes of Agesta

You should know that each person can have one or more personal Sacred Codes, which only work for her. If you have your Sacred Code, surely it will try to manifest itself in some way. Pay attention to dreams, repetitive thoughts, intuition, etc.

When you discover that Code, always keep it in mind, and use it when you need grace and guidance in your life.

Regardless of the personal Holy Codes, there are other general ones, which can be used for specific situations. Here are some of the most common, ordered by areas of spiritual work.

sacred codes of love

These are the sacred codes that are most used in love:

571 Soulmate Facilitate connection
715400 Attract Kindred Soul
11550 Attract the love of your life
541 Strengthen love between couples
70 Angel Love
12000 Kindred Soul
35133 Universal Love Code

Sacred codes of abundance

If your goals have to do with economic prosperity and abundance, these are the sacred codes you need to know:

Unexpected money: 520
Money, elemental connection: 47620
Money through the planetary genius Och: 1016
Money, improvement of economic situation: 5701
Money, for urgent cases: 897
Money, for when someone owes us or to recover money: 858
Money, to flow to us: 1122 – 5701
Money, so that it arrives: 897
Money, release economic problems and give worries to God: 608
Money, so that the money they need arrives smoothly: 42170
Success in life: 2190
Clear ground for prosperity: 773
Prosperity: 079
Angel of Wealth: 88829
Angel Abundia: 71269

sacred healing codes

These are the sacred codes that you should activate if you have a certain health problem. They will help you improve the disease.

83 73 879 Rheumatic affections.
13 14 335 Allergies in general.
25 49 563 Alzheimer dementia (can be used together with 29 56 932).
11 11 171 Anemia and for healthy blood.
33 49 586 Anxiety
26 51 329 Arthritis – Degenerative Joint Disease (DAD).
34 41 323 Arthritis and osteoarthritis.
89 87 438 Abaulamento or herniation of intervertebral disc.
20 06 391 Psoriatic arthritis.
21 22 413 Asthma.
72 84 555 Panic attacks.
11 47 382 Merkel cell carcinoma.
33 59 674 Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
77 78 177 Cataract of the eye.
44 56 789 Healing of open wounds (write in the air above the wound).
33 78 133 Healing of serious injuries in the abdomen.
22 35 297 Cirrhosis of the liver.
25 26 332 Interstitial cystitis.
44 37 224 Conjunctivitis.
45 55 899 Constipation.
25 39 963 Colon cancer.
72 48 496 Liver cancer, which is primary – Hepatocellular carcinoma.
79 37 854 Breast cancer.
56 93 787 Metastatic ovarian cancer.
25 38 576 Ovarian cancer.
64 47 196 Pancreatic cancer.
92 96 144 Cervical cancer.
78 22 938 Kidney cancer.
25 36 983 Rectal cancer.
29 35 531 Uterine cancer – endometrial.
33 45 634 Cell damage, of any kind.
29 56 932 Dementia.
29 63 586 Depression in children and adults.
44 34 131 Diabetes and insulin level balance.
45 45 899 Diarrhoea.
29 58 321 Congenital hip dysplasia.
23 31 443 Chronic pain in general.
35 41 553 Toothache.
13 45 899 Stomach ache.
71 81 533 Back pain in general.
25 36 897 Pain at the site of surgery.
23 74 555 Headaches in general.
88 45 363 Muscle pain, especially after exercise.
81 741 Eczema in general.
58 33 554 Headaches.

86 66 431 Flatulence.
77 78 176 Glaucoma, raised pressure inside the eye.
95 66 331 Wegener’s granulomatosis.
78 83 434 Hemorrhoids.
22 35 966 ​​Hepatitis C.
87 47 988 Hepatitis of viral origin and other reasons.
25 37 353 Benign hypertrophy of the prostate.
38 37 684 Swelling.
98 88 119 Myocardial infarction, as the first line of treatment on the way to the hospital.
35 47 375 Urinary tract infection (UTI)
23 42 197 Fungal infection.
87 33 478 Bladder inflammation
56 23 899 Inflammation of the middle ear.
88 81 643 Inflammation of the lungs.
43 14 223 General inflammation.
33 14 993 Insolation.
42 37 346 Eye irritation, especially that associated with headache.
88 21 233 Herpes virus lesions.
40 69 997 Lymphoma.
71 91 334 Lumbago.
29 37 853 Improvement of vision.
25 37 536 Painful memories of the past, both conscious and subconscious (PTSD).
51 61 987 Multiple myeloma.
95 96 562 Migraine.
83 33 889 Nausea.
78 89 535 First aid in cerebral vascular accidents on the way to hospital treatment.
78 78 833 Prolapse of the intervertebral disc.
33 14 871 Psoriasis.
19 19 311 Burns, also sunburn.
27 55 362 Gastric reflux.
44 70 831 Reinforcement of the spirit of discovery, adventure and enthusiasm for life.
38 41 41 Warts.
25 39 579 Bipolar disorder, mania.
25 36 933 Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).
78 19 335 Eating disorders.
23 31 878 Chickenpox.
84 72 723 Vice (tobacco).
84 72 723 Vices.
88 21 233 Herpes viruses.
25 33 698 Victims of domestic violence.
34 56 879 Buzz.
44 34 135 Diabetic ulcer / Foot infection.

Other sacred codes that may interest you

Find Job: 16700
Law of Attraction Angels: 87949
For the physical body: 512
Lose weight: 32194
Improve self-esteem: 877
Gratitude: 3333
Increase interest in studies: 220
Get rid of guilt: 339
Clear aura: 26700
Lose fear: 680
Increase patience: 629