As much as we talk about the “sixth sense”, there are five senses that we have: taste, hearing, smell, touch and sight. Our five protagonists of this week’s challenge.
How does it work? (Reminder)
Every week I will propose a new challenge, it is a topic that you will have to capture in a photograph and upload it to the Facebook page of the blog, putting in the description the keyword that I will indicate for each topic. The themes will be varied, from portraits to Macro photography, through landscapes, black and white photography, or babies. The topics will be proposed on Saturdays, so that you have all the Weekend to work them. You will have one week to upload your photograph (one photo per participant), until Friday of the following week. On Friday or Saturday I will update the article with the photo that has captivated me the most and I will propose a new topic, and so on…
Weekly Challenge 73: Five senses
We are used to enjoying our five senses and therefore we do not value how easy and pleasant they make our lives. But if you lack any of them or have ever really put yourself in the shoes of a deaf or blind person, for example, you will know how important they are in our lives and how they make everything easier for us. But not only that, our senses allow us to enjoy the pleasures of life far beyond helping us to function in the environment, taste allows us to enjoy wonderful delicacies, smell intoxicates us with aromas that transport you to heaven itself, the sight gives us snapshots that we photograph to retain them, so that they remain with us eternally, and it goes without saying how a song can move us or a caress shiver us.
That is why we want to dedicate this week to the five senses. You can choose the one you prefer to send your photo, but it has to be related to one of the five. Try to be original and let your creativity work and, above all, make us feel your image.
As usual, to participate in this week’s challenge upload your photo to the Facebook wall from the Photographer’s Blog: In the description of the photo please mention the keyword “Five Senses Challenge” followed by a title of your choice.
Alternative Means to Participate
For those who do not be from Facebook I have enabled new social networks to participate.
- Flickr: accessing the Group Mural of the Photographer’s Blog and uploading the photo directly. Give your photo a caption and be sure to mention “Five Senses Challenge” in the same.
- Twitter: uploading the photo directly to Twitter with the hashtag #FiveSensesBDFChallenge
Happy and “heartfelt” photography.
I see that one more week you have put the “five senses” to give us your snapshots. Thank you once, thank you very much for being there and putting so much enthusiasm. I leave you with a magnificent gallery full of aromas, beauty, rich flavors, textures and wonderful melodies.
Fran Izquierdo Sanchez_Olfato
Pamela Ramos_Untitled
Daniel Bossio_Untitled
Gabriela Miquelez_Untitled
Palomadelosríos my photographs_Secrets
Javier Coltrane_Yum
Edgar Anaya Padron_Ear
Sindy M Velasquez_Traveling through sight
Leana Ynes Carrizo_Touch
J. Alejandre_Music is heard and seen
José A. Sánchez_Oreo still life
Loix Mo_Smell brown
Aldara Gómez_Untitled
Nelsa Carmody_Two looks and caresses
Marcela Granero_Melodia
Javier Moreno_Untitled
Silvy Velasco_Untitled
Gloves gloves_Gusto
Paula Souilhe_Sounds that uplift
Clint Istwood_Tasting with the five senses
Jorge Sánchez_Sense and Sensibility
My sixth sense already told me that this would be a difficult challenge, but not for you, but for me. And I was not wrong. When I say that it is a complicated challenge, I mean the difficulty of choosing one among many. I know I have to choose one, just one, but today is one of the days that is costing me the most, one of those times when subjectivity weighs more than ever, that any detail, any evocation of your own feelings and memories tilt the balance. Your photos are wonderful and convey exactly what I asked for. When I look at them, without having to read the title, I know exactly what sense you are referring to, and all these images make me hear, see, feel, smell or taste what you are trying to show us, so in addition to thanking you, I congratulate you because today in some way you are all worthy of being the photo of the week.
But what has been said, you have to choose one and I’ll stick with “Secretos” by Paloma de los Ríos. I have chosen this image for its tenderness, for the complicity between mother and daughter, for those stories whispered in the ear, for everything that the image tells and what they tell each other. Hopefully one day my daughter will have that complicity with me and she will whisper her secrets to me, hopefully she will have the same confidence that I have with mine and the one that the two protagonists have. This photo transmits tenderness, emanates sweetness and spreads that magic of love between mother and daughter. I like the framing and the absence of color that gives the moment absolute prominence. And I like the light. This image reminds me of old movies, those in which there was a story that deserved to be told and in that movie the important thing was the story, the dialogues and its characters (apart from the photography), and not the action everywhere and the special effects that force us to consume so much today. Congratulations, Dove! Thank you for giving us this endearing moment.