Perhaps you already know or have ever practiced this posture. This is a restorative invert; this is basically a posture with many benefits!
It is called Viparita Karani (“Viparita” means inversion and “Karani” means action), although some also call it “Posture Mudra”. In general, it is done with a wall as a support. It is a relaxation posture, especially to activate circulation and relieve tired or numb legs.
They recommend practicing it when you have been standing or sitting for many hours since, like other inverts, it reverses the flow of blood and creates a sense of balance.
how to do it
Lie down near a wall with your knees bent, on a mat or yoga mat. The buttocks should be close to the wall. You must look for the optimal distance, because then you will unwrap your legs upwards. That will depend on both your height and your flexibility.
As you can, walk your feet up the wall until your legs are fully extended, forming a 90° angle with your torso, which remains on the ground. Make sure you don’t feel tension in your neck or compress your cervicals. Notice how your back expands, spreading your shoulder blades apart.
Your hands can go on the abdomen, or you can stretch your arms to the sides of the body or up. Relax your eyes and take your gaze in search of your heart.
Stay in the pose for 5 to 15 minutes. Remember that time is part of the process in the practice of yoga. Permanence helps to take advantage of the physical, mental and emotional benefits of each posture.
– Helps the functioning of the digestive system
– Control anxiety and stress.
– Help in cases of insomnia, migraines or headaches.
– Generates a lymphatic drainage effect. Decompress legs, feet and ankles.
– Relieves menstrual pain and helps combat the symptoms of menopause.
– Stretches the back of the legs, the front of the torso, and the neck.
– Relieves mild back pain.
– Calm the mind.
– Improves circulation.
If you find your period or have sinusitis, it is preferable not to perform inversions. It is also not recommended in case of serious eye problems, serious neck injuries or back problems.
the yoga school