Arnica is a medicinal plant native to Europe that has been used since ancient times for medicinal purposes. It is also known as “tobacco flower”, since the mountain people used to smoke its dried leaves to treat respiratory problems.
Known for its daisy-like yellow flowers, this plant grows in the mountains and can reach a meter in height.
What are the uses of arnica?
This plant is used to naturally treat injuries, bruises and swelling, as it has anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, it works as an antibacterial agent that acts by preventing infections, promoting healing and reducing the characteristic purple color of bruises due to its ability to stimulate blood circulation.
On the other hand, its analgesic properties help relieve muscle pain, arthritis, tears and sprains.
Other uses and properties of arnica are those linked to skin treatment. Its cream is applied to combat acne and other conditions of the dermis.
How to apply it?
Arnica is generally used externally on the skin, as it can cause toxic side effects when taken orally.
The exception is oral homeopathic preparations, which, although they contain arnica, use it in a diluted form and are administered under medical supervision.
The dried or fresh flowers and roots are the most used in medicinal preparations.
You can apply arnica externally in the following ways:
– Use cloths soaked in arnica infusion to treat bruises.
– Use the infusion of its leaves as a mouthwash to relieve sore throats, cure canker sores or gum problems. Caution: do not swallow!
– Use it in the form of a cream or ointment prepared with its extract. It will serve to relieve sprains, strains, muscle pain and heal small wounds. Also to moisturize and soften the skin. For the same purpose, it can also be used in the form of a tincture, made with 40 grams of dried root and 200 grams of dried flowers macerated for 10 days in a container with alcohol.
In any case, before using any medicinal method, you should consult a specialist for information and advice on the most appropriate way to take advantage of these properties for you.
Important: It should be clarified that The Bioguide does not give medical advice or prescribe the use of techniques as a form of treatment for physical or mental problems without the advice of a doctor, either directly or indirectly. In the case of applying any information on this site for this purpose, La BioguĂa does not assume responsibility for these acts. The site is intended only to provide information of a general nature to aid in the pursuit of personal growth and development.