US imperialism. –

USAis growing at breakneck speed and although it began to grow decades ago, in a more solid and territorial way, US imperialism has begun to grow in other cities, without us realizing it.

Here we will study a little above, what is the american imperialism and how is it affecting the rest of the world

US imperialism

What exactly is it about? When we talked about the Roman Empire, which we have already studied several times, we are referring to a society that covers certain parts of the world and that obeys certain laws. When we talk about imperialism, we talk about the act of imposing or suggest, more politely, a kind of societyin certain parts of the world.

It’s what he’s been doing USA that it appeared and began to grow in the form of world poweraccessing the different corners of the planet, implanting or suggesting ways of life, to make his empire, the North American, it expands.

Types of US imperialism

Of course, it is not like in the past and how it was acted in past centuries, fighting in an incarnated way and taking a territory by force. USA did not live through that time. She doesn’t have that many years to live. But american imperialismhas been occupying land, without us noticing.

North American imperialism: military force

When the defense of a country is supported or reinforced, training soldiers, helping them in a preventive attack, as has happened with countries of the Middle Eastwhere USA has given them a hand, it could be considered a way of american imperialism through the military force.

If you support some of their military dictatorshipstoo, can be considered american imperialism.

North America has been influencing from various branches to the world, thus creating the american imperialism. Starting from this branch, especially the military force, conflicts of a warlike nature have been unleashed over territories, which have been invaded drastically or slowly. His protection for the world and his desire to get a global democracyHe even ended up creating an army that spreads across all continents.

North American imperialism: economic strength

Without a doubt, what refers to the commercial field. In this phase of North American imperialism of economic force, all the beings of the planet that we support participate products, festivities Y lifestyles own of North America.

It is not that it is bad to accept some ways of life, but it is true that if it adapts to the country, it is that it has made its own certain styles that come directly from the American continent. We have already heard several times the concept of “americanized”

North American imperialism: political force

When he supports a form of government, since the American opinion, it is usually a weighty opinion. can be considered american imperialism of political force. It is accentuated much more, when the opinions are different and USA press for a series of decisions and ways of life to be changed, for them to adopt one that goes more with their style.

At no time could we say that it is something entirely good or something entirely bad, since, on the one hand, we see their strategic actions, to have allies and favors from other countries, which is nothing more than manipulation because there is a conflict of interests. But there are parts of american imperialism that attracts us and we do not perceive because it is something innocent: a Burger, a festivity…

Of course, North America is not the only country that unleashes its imperialism, there are more countries that impose it and without realizing it. It is a matter of studying them, little by little and all the steps they were taking.