Types of love according to the Greeks: what is yours?

If you were to ask some random people what love is, you would surely end up with a lot of different answers.

The need to define love has been with us since ancient times. In Ancient Greece, for example, there was no single type of love. From the language, each of them was named in a different way.

Mythology already expressed the centrality that love had among the Greeks. For example, the goddess Aphrodite was one of the most revered deities.

Here we share the characteristics of the different types of love according to the Greeks. Which one do you identify with?


Eros was, in Greek mythology, the god of love and sex. He represents erotic strength, creativity and fertility. Therefore, this type of love is characterized by being passionate and impulsive. For the Greeks, it was considered dangerous, since it could lead to losing control.


In this type of love what mattered, above all, was camaraderie. That is why it was associated with friendships, political contacts, soldiers and any other relationship that sought to cooperate to achieve a common good. The bond itself could be based on gaining advantage, on love itself, or on mutual admiration.


This type of Greek love is associated with family and relationships that exist from the beginning of life. It also includes the love for animals and the friendships that are established since childhood.


This is what the Greeks called the attraction of romantic lovers who have known each other for a short time, seduce each other and bond in a playful way.


More than with a type of love, mania has to do with obsession and, along with it, with dependent and jealous behaviors.


This name defines a love that has matured. It involves patience, understanding and commitment.


This is the love that one has and develops for oneself. It is linked to self-compassion, self understanding and self love in all its facets.


It refers to a type of unconditional love that seeks the well-being of the loved one. It is not so directly linked to sexual desire, but is, above all, altruistic and empathic.

And you, what kind of love do you identify with?


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