A pet can bring a lot of joy to the home but also a lot of chaos. Dogs, especially puppies, need to learn where they can relieve themselves, what objects they can play with and which ones should not be broken. It is also very important that they learn to relate to the people who frequent the home so that they are friendly and do not represent any danger.
If you have not achieved these goals with your pet, living together is likely to be a headache and your loved ones will not want to visit you. Here are some tricks to educate a naughty dog. Try them and you will recover harmony in your home.
Tricks to train a naughty dog
- Dogs defecate within minutes of eating. Knowing this, it is important to get them used to the fact that, after eating, they will go out into the street or to a patio to relieve themselves. Since they are routine animals, they will know how to incorporate the habit quickly and after eating they will be able to wait until the moment they leave to relieve themselves. You just have to be orderly and always take it out after it eats.
- The hyperactivity of dogs is usually motivated by anxiety, that is why they jump on people who come home, break things or run from one corner to another desperately. To avoid this behavior, it is essential that you create a game routine and a daily walk for your pet, since it is something they need. If your dog knows that this time will come, he will not be out of control when you return home. You will see that this trick to train a naughty dog will not disappoint you.
- Do not deny your dog the possibility of smelling whoever comes to your house or lock him in the back when you receive guests because that generates greater anxiety and it will be more difficult to educate him.
- The tricks to train a naughty dog work when you offer a prize or reward in return. The prizes should not be just food, they can also be games or caresses. It is important that whenever the dog meets the objective there is a prize so that the stimulus is fixed and repeats this behavior.
- Your dog’s food bowl must be respected as it is sacred to him. Never approach when your pet is eating because no matter how calm it is, it can hit you with a Tarascon, since its instinct will lead it to defend what is its own.
- If you let your dog sleep in your bed, it is likely that he will relieve himself wherever he wants and climb on any chair since he will feel that he is the leader of the pack. If you do not modify this behavior, any trick to educate a naughty dog will be useless.
These tricks to educate a naughty dog are just some tips to improve coexistence at home. Remember that you must play a lot with your pet, share activities and create a bond since it needs love and that you are responsible for its care.
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