This is what the interesting wild cows that live in the United Kingdom look like

The cows and bulls of today, in all of the 1,000 families existing in the latitudes of the planet, come from the wild cows Bos taurus primigenius. This species, also known as Uro, went through a domestication process in Asia 10,000 years ago approximately to later be transferred to Europe.

A large percentage of the species of cows and bulls come from the single ancestor Bos taurus primigenius. The course of its domestication happened about 10,000 years ago. But today the species bred for milk and meat bear almost no relation to their ancestor.

cattle today

Cows today are a domesticated species and a large part of these is dependent on the human being to survive. There are more than 1,200 million head of cattle around the world, but few live without human intervention. These are usually found in island areas and live around Chillingham Castle in the UK.

These few species have returned, live and remain in the wild for interesting and diverse reasons. One of those breeds is Chillingham, which has few specimens on the planet, even less than pandas. This is how Chillingham Castle becomes the space where the last herds of wild cows on the planet live.

This breed has a white color characterized by being quite pure, they have strong bodies, a bellicose character and fight with large horns. They are known to be irritable and unpredictable, making them capable of reaching a speed of 48 km/h, in all those attacks towards threats.

These British cows have been able to escape the selective genetic improvement by the human being. Which was originated by a strong demand in the market in the development of the Agricultural Revolution that occurred 200 to 300 years ago. Consequently, they were called “medieval” cattle due to their reduced size, weight of less than 400 kg and the small udders of the cow in relation to the current species.

Its origin is controversial due to the different legends that associate this species with Ancient Rome and even with the Celts. Also, they are considered the last relic of the aurochs herds who roamed the forests of Britain. Whichever theory is correct, they provide a concept about the behavior of these cows in their time.

Currently, the herd of this species is progressively improving. The population of this breed is at its highest since it began with its registration in the 19th century. Even, the tourists of the castle have the possibility of observing them, although from afar, a species that will transport them in some way to the Middle Ages.

Did you know this interesting breed of wild cattle? Share your experiences with us in the comments!