David Jailaca is a 10-year-old boy who found a toad and his life changed forever. In a remote village in Ecuador, David and his brother found a black jambato (Atelopus ignescens), a population of toads that scientists had considered extinct due to causes such as habitat loss, the introduction of foreign species, climate change, among other.
But the discovery did not end with that toad found by David. Thanks to him, the researchers reached the area where it was found and rescued a colony of more than 40 individuals. In this way, the survival of the species could be guaranteed.
This species of frog known as “black jambato” is native to the humid forests of Ecuador and was considered extinct since 1988.
They have a rough, orange belly and a jet-black back with small warts.
Not only did David become a hero without knowing it, but the Jambatu Center for Amphibian Research and Conservation in Ecuador also gave him a financial reward that allowed him to help improve the living conditions of his family and pay for his studies.
Based on this discovery, the next stage will be to be able to obtain tadpoles in captivity and then reintroduce them into their habitat. Ideally, the community itself can be included in the recovery plans so that, like David, many more heroes get involved in taking care of everything around them.
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