They prohibit the sale of beverages with disposable containers in Mexico

On October 25, the Law for the Prevention and Comprehensive Management of Solid Waste in the state of oaxaca. The same prohibits the sale of products that use single-use plastics such as soda and water bottles. At the moment, it is only for the state of oaxacabut it would be much more favorable if this were applied to all of Mexico and then other countries take similar measures in pursuit of environmental care.

Single-use plastics are products that we use only once and then, by disposing of them incorrectly, end most of the time in the oceans. Plastic bags, bottles, straws, cutlery and plates, cups, balloons and hygiene items are some of the main ones. According to studies by the European Commission, the 49% of marine debristhey are only of this type.

Single-use plastics are closer than we think

The implementation of the new law led merchants from all over the state of Oaxaca, auction off the merchandise they possessed. The sale prices of the products were reduced by up to 50% since, as of October 25, the merchants who still had them could be sanctioned.

In article 98 of the law, exception is made for plastics used for medical, educational or humanitarian purposes. It is only prohibited to “sell, distribute or use single-use containers made with polyethylene terephthalate (PET) intended for water or other beverages”.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

During the approval of the law last year, deputy Horacio Sosa Villacencio stated that Mexico generated around 300 million plastics per year, of which only 3% is recycled. This low percentage contributes to the fact that millions of tons are not properly treated and managed, thus polluting the environment.

Day by day, the actions carried out to reduce the pollution of the oceans due to the large amounts of plastic are increasing. For example, the European Union, established that from the year 2021, the use of these plastics will be prohibited.

And you, what do you think about the implementation of these laws? How do you collaborate in the reduction of single-use plastics?