Ingrown toenails, also known as toenails or ingrown nails, happen when One or both corners of a toenail are cut into the skin.
This can cause discomfort, pain, and even infections that require medical treatment. Most cases affect the big toe, but they can also appear in other fingers.
Keep reading to find out what the most common symptoms of ingrown toenails are, what their causes are, and what you can do to avoid them.
Among the most common symptoms of ingrown nails are:
- Pain and/or tenderness on one or both sides of the nail
- Redness and/or swelling around the affected nail
- In severe cases, infection of the tissue surrounding the toenail
Although anyone can get them, those who suffer from conditions that affect blood flow to the feet they are particularly vulnerable to complications from ingrown toenails. So are those with diabetes.
But, why do they occur? These are some of the most common causes that people can suffer from ingrown toenails:
- Wearing shoes that are too tight for a long time
- Cutting nails too short or not keeping them straight
- Injuring and deforming one of the nails
- have extremely curved nails
In the most serious cases that were never treated, the nails can penetrate deep into the skin and reach the bone of the fingercausing a bone infection that can lead to other complications, such as poor circulation and nerve damage in the feet.
As mentioned above, people with diabetes or diseases with similar effects are more prone to these complications.
These are some tips that you can apply to avoid the appearance of toenails.
- Cut your toenails straight across
If you decide to get a pedicure, ask him to cut your nails this way as well. Avoid curved cuts, to match the shape of the fingertip.
If you suffer from a disease that affects your circulation, visit a podiatrist as often as recommended so that your nails can be cut correctly.
- Keep your nails at a suitable length
If you cut them too short, the pressure of the shoes (even if they don’t fit snugly) can force the nail into the tissues.
Tight-fitting shoes put more pressure on your toes, making your nails more likely to dig into your skin. Wear only shoes that fit you properly.
- Check your feet often
If you have diabetes, check your feet daily for signs of ingrown toenails or any other problems.
In general, toenail is a condition that can be treated without outside helpbut on some occasions professional intervention may be necessary, especially if you already suffer from aggravating conditions.
signs that you need Professional Help They are: intense and consistent pain, inflammation in the area, the presence of pus or if the rest of the foot also seems to have swollen.
Outside of these cases, you can pay attention every time you cut your nails and take the appropriate measures.
Important: It should be clarified that does not give medical advice or prescribe the use of techniques as a form of treatment for physical or mental problems without the advice of a doctor, either directly or indirectly. In the case of applying any information on this site for this purpose, does not assume responsibility for these acts. The site is intended only to provide information of a general nature to aid in the pursuit of personal growth and development.
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