These are the 6 reasons why people fall in love

It is said that love is blind and has no explanation. Which just happens. However, that is not entirely true.

Although there are still many questions around love that cannot be understood and that go beyond science and reason, much has been studied on the subject. And the truth is that many scientific truths behind love have been discovered.

The reason why one person falls in love with another has been extensively studied by scientists around the world. These are 6 of the reasons that most of these studies agree on.

1. Correspondence

One of the reasons people fall in love is because of mutual correspondence. That is, for having similar values ​​and convictions, and for having lived similar life experiences.

In this case, affinity prevails, wanting to share the form and lifestyle.

2. Family similarity

Many studies have confirmed that the similarity with one’s parents is a reason for falling in love. In other words, there are people who fall in love with others because, at some point, they remind them of their parents.

It doesn’t have to be an extraordinary resemblance. But a certain similarity generates security, and an automatic connection.

3. The smell

Our smell can attract people, according to a study by the Proceedings of the Royal Society B. But no, it is not about wearing aphrodisiac perfumes.

Actually, it is our pheromones that can attract other people. For example, women who are ovulating may be strongly attracted to men with more testosterone, and the way to find them is through smell.

4. Admiration

In other cases, people may fall in love with others out of admiration. That is, because they see in the other many of the values ​​and virtues that they would like for themselves.

This case corresponds to the famous phrase that says that “opposites attract”. Thus, a very insecure person can fall in love with someone with a lot of self-confidence, or someone who is shy with an outgoing person.

This type of love has to do with mutual complement.

5. How you move

Have you ever wondered why some people seem naturally more attractive than others? Those that always get others to fall in love with them.

On many occasions, this can be a product of the way they move. Several studies have shown that posture and the way you look influence love.

For example, the US National Academy of Science says that being open and confident helps others fall in love with you.

On the other hand, a study from the University of Massachusetts states that looking into the eyes of the interlocutors considerably increases attraction.


6. Mystery

According to Psychology Today, maintaining a certain amount of mystery in a relationship can help increase attractiveness.

In other words, not knowing how the other feels or thinks can make it more interesting and maintain the attraction.

Did any of this happen to you when you fell in love?