These are the 4 best exercises to reduce the waist

waist is one of the areas of the body where more fat accumulatesand it is one of the parts that give us away the most when we have gained a few extra kilos.

As a result, it’s one of the regions that some focus on the most when trying to lose weight. To achieve this, there are some specialized exercises that we can do and that it has been shown that they are very effective.

These four of the best exercises to lose fat in the waist.

Cardiovascular exersise

While not specifically made for losing fat around your waist, cardio exercises are great for shedding fat all over your body and will speed up the process of burning off the extra pounds in your belly. Doing 30 to 45 minutes of this type of activity on a regular basis will help you burn fat quickly.

Some aerobic exercises are: going for a run, doing an elliptical bike, stationary bike or cycling, rowing, aerobic classes such as Zumba or step. Choose the activity that you like the most!

bicycle sit-ups

Lie on your back on a mat or mat, raise your legs bending them at a 90ยบ angle and place your hands behind your neck. In this position, raise your torso and try to reach your right elbow with your left knee and then vice versa. Do 15 repetitions (one repetition is doing the exercise with both arms) and then you can rest.

Do three sets of 15, four times a week.

abdominal scissors

Lie on your side on the mat, supporting your head with the palm of your hand and resting your elbow on the floor. The top leg should be lifted as high as you can. When you reach the maximum point, lower it slowly, but without letting it touch the other leg. Do three sets of 15, four times a week.


Squats are great for working out your back and core. You can perform traditional squats, but the ideal would be to do them with dumbbells, to add an additional weight that exercises you more.

The first thing you should know is that your back must be straight at all times. Stand with your legs apart and slightly bent. Hold the dumbbells, one in each hand. Then, slowly lower yourself to the ground, using your leg muscles. You have to imagine that you sit on a chair. Go back up slowly.

Ideally, you should do three sets of 15 repetitions, four times a week, to feel the effects.

Exercises should be accompanied by a healthy diet that suits your needs. Ideally, you should seek professional help, but educating yourself on the best ways to eat healthy is also crucial.

It’s a joint effort that takes time and work, but the results on your body, your health, and your energy level are well worth it.

Will you try the exercises? Tell us!

