There is a direct relationship between the size of the testicles and infidelity

A scientific study has shown that there is a direct relationship between the size of the testicles and their degree of infidelity.

Scientists from the University of Norway concluded that those primates with larger testicles are more likely to be unfaithful.

Peter Bockman, leader of the group of researchers, was forceful in his explanation of the results of the study. “We can determine the degree of infidelity in male primates by looking at the size of their testicles. The older they are, the more unfaithful they are to their partner“.

According to scientists, having larger testicles, males have a greater amount of sperm fluid. This motivates them to mate more often with different females.

The bad counterpart of having large testicles is that apparently the probability of developing cancer increases.

“Animals with short lives often have huge testicles. One type of grasshopper has testicles that take up half of its body mass,” Bockman says.

Another example is the sea urchin, which is practically a huge testicle with “a little bit of shell around it,” adds Bockman.

Bockman clarifies that human testicles are 1.5 times larger than the testicles of our primate brothers. This explains our propensity for infidelity.

We also have the case of male lions, who have huge testicles because they must mate with a whole pack of feline females.




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