Who does not remember having seen “The Lion King”; a Disney movie that although it was released in the ’90s, but that is still in the memory of many people.
To say that animated films are only for children is a big mistake. Many of them contain teachings that perhaps the little ones cannot understand, but adults can touch the heart.
This is what happens with the “Lion King”, a film with existentialist phrases that have left more than one thinking. Which are the best?
1. “Being a king is much more than just doing what you want.”
2. “Look at the stars. The great kings of the past watch us from the stars, so when you feel alone, remember that those kings will always be there to guide you. And I also.”
3. “We are all connected in the great cycle of life.”
4. “The past can hurt, but depending on how we look at it, you can either run from it or learn from it.”
5. “Being brave doesn’t mean you go looking for trouble.”
6. “Hakuna Matata. Nothing to fear, without worrying is how to live.”
7. “It is important to always look where you are going, rather than where you were.”
8. “There is magic everywhere.”
9. “You must be mature enough to understand your fears and overcome them.”
10. “It is the circle of life, which moves us all through despair and hope, through faith and love.”
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