The Tudors (I): Arrival to the Throne –

The Tudors, a dynasty of welsh origin who reigned over the territories of England, Wales, and Ireland. Perhaps one of the dynasties on which more rivers of ink have been spilled despite only contribute 5 monarchs to the history of Great Britain. In a convulsive period such as the last years of the Middle Ages, a dynasty such as the Tudors they knew turn a disorganized kingdom into an influential and powerful kingdom in the new historical stage that they had to live as the Renaissance. The Tudors: Arrival to the Thronewas born with the intention of learning more about this dynasty and perhaps its best-known representatives, such as Henry VIII or Elizabeth I, the Virgin Queen.

The Tudors (I): Arrival to the Throne | Background

the tudor dynasty is perhaps one of the best known dynasties in history, the five kings that the dynasty contributed were not just any kings, but kings who in one way or another intervened in the historical evolution of the kingdom of England.

The Kings of the House of Tudor who reigned in England were Henry VII, Henry VIII, Edward IV, Mary I and Elizabeth I. Many of these names will sound familiar to you, such as the name of Henry VIII and his multiple wives or Queen Mary I, perhaps better known as Mary la Sanginaria or Bloody Mary.

The House of Tudor, ruled in England from the year 1485 to the year 1603. Like all dynasties or royal houses, the Tudors also had a symbol that identified them from the rest of the houses. Is about a rose with 10 petals of which 5 are red and adorn the outer edge and another 5 white in the center. The reason for this rose is symbolize the union of two houses how were the Lancaster and York, thus ending a bloody civil war.

the tudor house It was a dynasty that, as we have already mentioned, lived through one of the most important and tragic periods of what has been called modern history. During the time of the Tudors begins a imperialist stage, beginning with the exploration of the American continent, where it would collide with the interests of other powers such as Spain, France or Portugal.

The Tudors (I): Arrival to the Throne | The War of the Two Roses

The Tudor house is born at court with the appearance of Owen Tudor, according to some historians husband and according to others lover of the queen of French origin and widow of King Henry V, Catherine of Valois.

The relationship that was born from the queen and Owen starts from the moment in which the widowed queen, after the death of Henry V, King of England in 1422, was assigned for his personal service to the Welsh soldier Owain ap Maredudd, who would end up modifying his last name and first name becoming known as Owen Tudor.

At first, the queen continued to live with her son Enrique, who would come to reign under the name of Henry VI, in the palace until he decided to change residence to Wallingford Castle, taking young Owen with her. Both quickly fell in love, and if they married there has been no record, but it is known that Parliament had passed a resolution by which widowed queens could not remarry without the consent of the King.

At that time the regency was exercised until the coming of age of the young Henry, John of Lancaster, known as John Plantagenet, brother of the late King Henry V Y Humpfrey of Gloucester, also brother of the deceased king. These surely refused the marriage between Catherine and Owen.

From the union of Catherine and Owen, six children were born Tacinda, Tomas who would become a monk, Edmund who was granted the title of Earl of Richmond by his half-brother the king, Jasper, Earl of Pembroke, a (dubious) daughter of whom the only reference is that she was a nun and Daisy flower.

In the reign of Henry VI, there were tensions and clashes between the two families what could they have dynastic right to the throne of Englandthe Lancastrian House, to which King Henry VI belonged and the house of york whose suitor was Richard III.

Using the attacks of madness suffered by the king as an excuse, the Civil War broke out, better known as the war of the two roses, in allusion to the symbols of both houses Lancaster and York, both with roses on their shields, one in red for the house of Lancaster and the white one for the House of York.

Henry VI was dethroned and imprisoned in the Tower of London, where he would later be executed. Now there was only one Lancaster left, the only son born to Margaret of Anjou, Edward Prince of Wales. But Eduardo was imprisoned and executed in Tewkesbury battle, with the death of Eduardo the house of Lancaster disappeared.

The Tudors (I): Arrival to the Throne | The Birth of a Dynasty

Owen already with advanced age, fought on the side of the House of Lancaster, dying executed by a group of supporters of Ricardo III. The firstborn of Owen’s union with Catherine, Edmund had married Margaret of Lancaster, who was also descendant of Edward III of Plantagenet.

From this union was born Enriquewho would go down in history as Henry VII. What maternal heir to the dynastic rights of House Lancasterfought against Richard III, until you manage to defeat him and kill him. With the death of Richard III the House of York was devoid of suitors.

Henry will ascend the throne with the name of Henry VII and took as his wife Elizabeth of Yorkas a goodwill gesture to end an already too long civil war.

Henry tried to calm the atmosphere, so he dispensed with his origins as Lancaster to create or found a new house, the Tudor House or Dynasty. As a gesture she adopted the two roses on his shieldmerging them as we have seen at the beginning.

The war of the two roses ended in 1487, while the Tudor Dynasty lasted until the year 1603, when the last descendant of the House of Tudor, Queen Elizabeth I of England dies childless.

Up to this point the accession to the throne of the Tudorsfrom here on, a history of palace intrigues, with names as important as Henry VIII or Mary I of England daughter of Henry VIII and the daughter of the Catholic Monarchs Catherine of Aragon. Mary I of England became better known by the nickname of Bloody Mary or as it would be said in Great Britain Bloody Mary, but this is another story, which you can continue in the following overstory links.

The Tudors (I): Arrival to the Throne | Image gallery